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I was shocked that Goldeneye, Avowed, and Contraband weren't shown at the show, but very solid presentation. I really dug focusing on within the next 12 months instead of focusing on CG trailers for who knows how many years before we see the games again lol. There's some distaste towards Pentiment it seems online, but I'm really digging it. Looks like a medieval painting or church stained glass come to life. And with it being a passion project of Josh Sawyer's makes me look forward to it even more. Still kinda funny that it's technically Xbox's big holiday November release

Redfall still looked kinda rough around the edges, but still looks like a ton of fun and Arkane went even further today to say that it is still a true Arkane game. Forza Motorsport looked freaking amazing and no XOne edition either. The focus on the Japanese games towards the end was a huge W and my group of friends were losing their freaking minds when Persona was announced.

Starfield, while still having some of that Bethesda jankiness, looks magnificent! There's already sooooooo much I want to do!

While many I know are a bit disappointed by the show, the biggest takeaway I had was that the show had something for everyone. So many different genres of games were covered for all kinds of gamers. 8/10

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Did we get any more details on the Grounded story besides that mention of it in the trailer?

I know this was something that many were concerned about when Todd Howard said how many pages of dialogue there were since it was more than Fallout 4 and your character had a voice, but we can rest easy knowing that there's just THAT much dialogue in Starfield!

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 13 June 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I don't play any of the Riot games myself, but I know the value there is huge. This will certainly drive subs up, probably more than any single game has for the service.

I know many are worried about the over 1000 planets claim for Starfield. But in my viewpoint, I see YEARS worth of modding opportunities for the mod community.

Bethesda games thrive over a decade because of how mod friendly their games are. Starfield, in many ways, will be a modders wet dream

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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smroadkill15 said:

I don't play any of the Riot games myself, but I know the value there is huge. This will certainly drive subs up, probably more than any single game has for the service.

No joke! I only have 1 friend who plays League, religiously I might add, and he only has 50 champions unlocked after playing for almost 5 years! The only money he's ever spent is on cosmetics.

This partnership will definitely drive up subs!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:

I know many are worried about the over 1000 planets claim for Starfield. But in my viewpoint, I see YEARS worth of modding opportunities for the mod community.

Bethesda games thrive over a decade because of how mod friendly their games are. Starfield, in many ways, will be a modders wet dream

When I first saw that the amount of planets modding was what I thought about straight away I imagine different modders will call dibs on a plot of land and work on building up planets so we can install all the mods at once and we eventually end up with complete planets full of skyscrapers or small settlements with whole games within the game as I'm presuming the majority f the planets are unexplored so side stories by modders will really fit in the with game itself.

First mod I want is the one that unlocks the spaceship max specs, I'm dribbling for that one

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

So I watched the showcase twice because and will say that MS did a solid job in getting across a message that 2022 is pretty much a bust but 2023 is going to be jam packed. Anyway, did you see how smug Phil was in getting Team Ninja, Atlus and Kojima on board the Xbox GP train. You can tell he was sending a message that Xbox is back trying to curry favor again in Japan even though I still believe MS should put more effort in development markets. I believe the fact that he came on stage to deliver this part is a clear declaration on MS new found effort, should be interesting to see how much they are willing to go again in securing exclusive content or day one GP content.

gtotheunit91 said:

I know many are worried about the over 1000 planets claim for Starfield. But in my viewpoint, I see YEARS worth of modding opportunities for the mod community.

Bethesda games thrive over a decade because of how mod friendly their games are. Starfield, in many ways, will be a modders wet dream

That's all good and well, but if history is any indication, the vast majority of those mods will be seen on PC only. Xbox users will get some mods, yes, and I'm sure there will be some cool ones, but the game is going to have to be great in it's own right.