Purely from my own point of view as a gamer, I'd rather The Coalition got to try their hand at something new. That said, if the developers there are content just being a Gears machine then more power to them.
Purely from my own point of view as a gamer, I'd rather The Coalition got to try their hand at something new. That said, if the developers there are content just being a Gears machine then more power to them.
Voted I want more Gears. Though I wouldn't mind if they just kept Gears multiplayer alive and did a reboot on story stuff after Gears 6. Maybe try something completely different with the IP. Although after disapponting Gears 5 campaign they did show they can make a kickass traditional Gears campaign like Hivebusters.
Gears 5 multiplayer seems alive and kicking even though they don't support it anymore. Played plenty of competitive Control last weekend and there's no trouble finding games.
Just did a 100% completion on Weird West. Worth checking out this game, it's somewhat similar to The Ascent but much, much better. Didn't get the same attention for some reason.
Games like this are the bread and butter of game pass for me.
We have so little TPS nowadays. The gaming world needs more Gears for variety's sake alone.
I vote for a soft reboot of the series. Gears is one o the iconic xbox franchises.
but i want The Coalition to make some cyberpunk action adventure game.
With the good shooting mechanics and technical ability of the team, a cyberpunk game could be fantastic.
konnichiwa said: Gonna make it short guess people must be tired of our discussion: 2 People barely got an xbox for the Japanese content but they did for the X360 and you could attract an audience for the series/Gamepass if you invest. 4) About the last part, back in the day a ton of crunchyroll fans did not enjoy Netflix because it was basically only Western Hollywood crap but because Netflix invested they attracted globally a lot of fans. |
I do not remember anyone getting a 360 for Japanese content. If that was the case then those Japanese games would have sold way better than they did. Actually the majority of those games sold very poor on the 360 if I am remembering correctly which lead to MS not pursuing that avenue again.
You know, I have visited Japan a few times and the shear scale of games that never come over to the US that is available for the Nintendo and Sony system is on another level. Its not that Sony continue to invest in their country, its because they have a huge level of support no matter how good or bad their system sell. But as I mentioned, mobile is the way Japanese consumers play the majority of their games and that is where you are going to see most of the development shift to in the near future. Only developers who already sell to a western audience will continue to make console games but MS already working with those devs.
Netflix not the same issue but one thing Netflix did do that I continue to state is to go after new content from developing areas where it has reach a quality level for international consumption.
So let me reiterate my point again. GP is the way forward for MS to get more Japanese content especially if their mobile strategy flesh out. There is no need to waste huge resources trying to get reluctant devs studios on the system, they will come to them. Its better for MS to pursue new content from development areas where the content is at a quality level that will gain them more impact for less dollars and resources.
Anyway, I agree, we have beat this one to death, time to move on to the next topic.
The Coalition should move on to something new, let Gears rest for a few years or give it to another studio to do some side project while they either flesh out something else or create a new series. The studio is talented so I am sure they have a lot of stories they want to tell that is not gears.
KiigelHeart said: Just did a 100% completion on Weird West. Worth checking out this game, it's somewhat similar to The Ascent but much, much better. Didn't get the same attention for some reason. |
I really want to check the game out soon! When I read it was being headed by Arkane's founder, Raphael Colantonio, I knew it was going to be something I'd enjoy. Especially if it takes inspiration from the immersive sim's that Raphael championed during his tenure at Arkane.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind