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So Jez thinks that Pentiment and Project Belfry could possibly release this year.

If we look at everything that MS might have for the rest of this year it’s

Forza Motorsport
Deathloop (Xbox Release)
FH5 expansion
Sea of Theives expansion
As Dusk Falls
Age of Empires (Xbox Release)

The ones listed above imo are likely guaranteed.
Another one that is possible is Goldeneye Remastered.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 14 May 2022

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Ryuu96 said:

Does anyone want to take over the OpenCritic thread? I've been too distracted since the Russia/Ukraine war and lost interest in updating it but I was planning on updating it eventually, now that Starfield and Redfall are delayed though, I've almost zero interest in it, I'd rather focus my attention elsewhere.

No big games releasing now might as well just start over next year lol

Also does anyone know how to stop this badge notification spam?

ice said:

No big games releasing now might as well just start over next year lol

Also does anyone know how to stop this badge notification spam?

Might try this.

It was so simple, I always just overlooked it.

Click on the actual word "(close)" inside the little pop-up window.  Don't just x out of your windows.

Last edited by DroidKnight - on 14 May 2022 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:
ice said:

No big games releasing now might as well just start over next year lol

Also does anyone know how to stop this badge notification spam?

Might try this.

It was so simple, I always just overlooked it.

Click on the actual word "(close)" inside the little pop-up window.  Don't just x out of your windows.

that post wasn't even my best post in that thread

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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If you don't know what to play I honestly recommend Roque Legacy 2. The game keeps on giving, if you take your time it can keep you busy for weeks.

Around the Network
NobleTeam360 said:
Spade said:

Yall can trash port begging all you want, but they didn't start putting Xbox on their surveys until last year. Fast forward, and we getting Soul Hackers 2 on Xbox.

Have to start somewhere.

I didn't see anybody "trashing" port begging. Although it can become an annoyance if someone is constantly tweeting or posting about wanting "X" game on their preferred platform non stop. 

Anyway, I hope Atlus can hit a "stride" so to speak and really start porting a lot of their back catalog to modern platforms in particular Persona and SMT. I did see on the survey that Etrian Odyssey was also something Atlus might be interested in remastering as well, never played the Etrian Odyssey games but if they remaster them I'd certainly be interested in checking them out. 

My personal hope is for Persona 3 FES and Portable to get remastered first and foremost but I'd love it if they did something for the Raidou, Digital Devil Saga, and the Devil Survivor games. 

Think that fraud Ryuu mentioned it but he a bum, so meh :)

My personal hope is that Persona 3 doesn't get remastered, and it's persona 4 again. . But for real I'll take about anything from them, don't care much for Etrian Odyssey though. 

Also, if tweeting and posting ends up getting more games to our preferred platform, I'm keep that fight going. Gotta fight that good fight. 

Last edited by Spade - on 14 May 2022">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:

It's worth noting that Yakuza has now surpassed Persona as Sega/Atlus' 2nd bestselling series in the past year, after Yakuza went multiplat. Hopefully Atlus is watching that very carefully.

Very much this! Yakuza is now behind the blue mascot for sales last fiscal year. Crazy what going multiplat does for you and yeah I hope Atlus is watching, but they aren't too smart and very inconsistent. Wish SEGA had more reign on them tbh.">"><img src="

Spade said:
NobleTeam360 said:

I didn't see anybody "trashing" port begging. Although it can become an annoyance if someone is constantly tweeting or posting about wanting "X" game on their preferred platform non stop. 

Anyway, I hope Atlus can hit a "stride" so to speak and really start porting a lot of their back catalog to modern platforms in particular Persona and SMT. I did see on the survey that Etrian Odyssey was also something Atlus might be interested in remastering as well, never played the Etrian Odyssey games but if they remaster them I'd certainly be interested in checking them out. 

My personal hope is for Persona 3 FES and Portable to get remastered first and foremost but I'd love it if they did something for the Raidou, Digital Devil Saga, and the Devil Survivor games. 

Think that fraud Ryuu mentioned it but he a bum, so meh :)

My personal hope is that Persona 3 doesn't get remastered, and it's persona 4 again. . But for real I'll take about anything from them, don't care much for Etrian Odyssey though. 

Also, if tweeting and posting ends up getting more games to our preferred platform, I'm keep that fight going. Gotta fight that good fight. 

Yeah, I don't mind people tweeting about it. Just when it's excessive, on every atlus post. And FU on Persona 3

Nick on the XboxEra Podcast said that he believes that the MS 1st party franchise that will be getting the MCC treatment will likely come out this year and he straight up hinted that its Gears Of War.

Could potentially make this year a little better if it comes to be, just hope that Judgement and Overrun are included if true.

EspadaGrim said:

Nick on the XboxEra Podcast said that he believes that the MS 1st party franchise that will be getting the MCC treatment will likely come out this year and he straight up hinted that its Gears Of War.

Could potentially make this year a little better if it comes to be, just hope that Judgement and Overrun are included if true.

Would definitely replay Gears 2 and 3. The others... maybe in 5 years or so.