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konnichiwa said:

Angry Joe seems to dislike the Halo show, (did not watch his review tho)

I did scour some review on IMDB this morning, mostly reading negative (1-2-3/10) one to see if they are somewhat meaningful.

Most were not though, some complain that the show is woke as it depict strong women (yeah -_-), other complain about the fact it is set in the future yet still use gunpowder weapons (This critic of halo has been around since Halo 1, some 20 years+ ago. I think anyone should have gotten over this by now). Others complains that it derive from the game (I thought that was already established).

So yeah the harshest critics seems to be mostly bullshits and review bombing. Yet the overall score still is not that bad.

I'm looking forward to watch the first episode tonight, my hopes are still up but somewhat tempered.

For the Angry Joe review, I'll watch it afterward but, after watching some other review of his over the years, it is kind of his thing to grossly exaggerate flaws and over critic (not necessary a bad thing I enjoy them most of the time). 

Nvm, ignore those stats. Has goat here at like 944 days. BS">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

Still wish there was a tip system for games on gamepass when you cant justify paying full price for their game (or too cheap like me) but want to give something back for the time you spent playing the game. Even though MS probably gave them a truckload of cash to put it on there in the first place.

konnichiwa said:

Angry Joe seems to dislike the Halo show, (did not watch his review tho)

I personally do not like to read someone else opinion on a TV show until I see it myself.  Something like that usually is geared towards what that person expects which might not align with what I expect and thus taint my experience.  I rather form my own opinion.  Even so, I usually give a show until the mid part of its season before forming any real decisions because the first 3 episodes are setups before most shows get into the meat.

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Yup, first few episodes will also inculde intorductions for characters we already know about but the average user wouldn't. I'd expect rhem to feel slow.

That 30 day code for paramount is on gamepass now for those interested.

Overall I enjoyed the first episode. The action scenes are well done, writing is decent, and I like how they didn't hold back with showing mature content.
I will say, if you are one of those people who really care about following lore, you'll probably hate.

Almost done with Ori and the Will of the Wisps! It's an awesome game!

This is my experience yesterday trying to watch the first episode of halo:

First check if there's a native paramount + app for my tv, there's none. (I have an LG Oled so as popular and supported as you can get)
Tried through my tv browser, cannot log in (Ok I had not much hope for this the browser is crap)
Check id there's a native app for my Xbox (naively thinking Microsoft would have pushed for this) there's none.
Tried to use Edge browser on my Xbox, I can reach the site, log in and then the video won't load. (So much for Edge on xbox being the latest version of edge -_-)

I always had the option to just use my laptop and HDMI cable so I did this and finally it works.
The series is only in English, it doesn't bother me that much but it does limit with whom I can watch and appreciate the show (being in a French region). I mean common Paramount, all other main streaming network does localize their big releases -_-.

Just finished Guardians of the Galaxy.

Had a great time with it. The game has a good length considering it's single player only. Finished it in 19 hours.

The game excels at story, dialogue, music and graphics. Combat isn't quite on par with the rest. Most enemies are bullet sponges, thus making your guns feel very weak. Your team members don't do much on their own but are quite useful when using their abilities and combo attacks. Everyone has 4 abilities, but I don't even know what half of them do. I pretty much just press random buttons to select any ability as it doesn't really matter what you choose and there's certainly no reason to remember all of them.

World design is pretty good as well. Some areas of the game are visited twice though which seems a little lazy.
