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I agree that Game DVR needs improvements but on my priority list it's really far in the back.

OS still has too many issues. Booting games and crashing to dashboard before the game even loads happens too damn frequent. Pressing the Xbox button on the controller sometimes won't do anything at all or it takes multiple seconds for the console to register. Getting error message when booting the game saying that you either need to be online for it to start or you need to sign in with the profile that bought it even though you're online and the profile is correct.

I have three storages locations on my Xbox: Internal, SSD and HDD. Internal is for Series X|S games, SSD for non-Series X|S games that I consider playing in the future and that profit from faster loading times and HDD which is for everything else.
Why doesn't the console ask me when downloading games on which storage location to install them?
I always have to move around games from A to B and sometimes even temporarily to C.
When you select the SSD to be the standard download location and there's no storage space on it left and no space on the Internal either, the OS will never ask you if you want to install it on the HDD even if the HDD was completely empty. That sucks hard.

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A lot of rumors are starting to come out that Redfall will indeed be delayed

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I am astonished that many people care about game DVR.

My top priority would be an HDR UI, so that me TV doesn’t have to do a 2 second reset every time I swap between the dash and games

Have been playing stardew valley, played it for a full year cycle but I am done with it, had some fun with it but the time management annoyed me.

Looking at that poll from Windows Central, it's nice to see how right on point Xbox community in general is. A bit disappointing though, that localisation issues is only at 6%, because it's really critical, but it's probably due to the most voters being from US, UK and other main Xbox markets, so they probably just don't see something that people from other countries see.

Game DVR problems - from my experience, Game DVR barely even works these days. When I was playing Halo with my buds I wanted to share some clips after the game. Nope, it just tries to convert something and then fails with "Something went wrong, please try again". Uploading to onedrive without conversion also doesn't work. It says that clip was uploaded but I can't find it anywhere in my onedrive. I've actually given up on this functionality at this point. No issues with screenshots though, but the process is general is not very straight forward either. At least it works.

OS problems - the main problem is that after all the revisions - it's still slow. I don't know what's going on, maybe it can't handle when you have many games installed, but when I first booted Series X - it launched in 20 seconds and dashboard was working fine initially. Now, every reboot takes more than 1 minute, like it's Xbox One and every time I try to open Guide, it happens with 1-2 seconds delay. I won't even go into UX aspects of it. It's all subjective, but I think it's a bit overloaded with useless stuff. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, just take what Sony and Nintendo have - put just scrolling list of last launched apps and a few icons to access other stuff like settings, games list, maybe GamePass and so on. Kill the ads - they just take unneeded space. I would also welcome the return of horizontal tabs like on previous major iteration, but with quick access to all games list located in one of such tabs.

Japanese game support - well, it's kinda obvious.

Localisation issues - also kinda obvious. Still a lot of countries with no official Live support. Half-assed approach to digital MS Store in some areas. A lot of widely used languages with no dub or even sub in first party games, which pales in comparison to competition significantly.


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Ryuu96 said:

Xbox Feedback Analysis: The Top Issues Xbox Fans Want to See Fixed in 2022 | Windows Central

As good as Xbox has been doing lately, things could always be better, right? Recently, I asked on Twitter what Xbox fans' biggest concerns were currently about the Xbox platform, and solicited over 1,000 replies with user feedback. Over the Christmas break, I sat down and analyzed each bit of feedback based on various categories. If a feedback item appeared only once, I added it to an "other" column. The vast majority of complaints did, in fact, appear multiple times, and the range of feedback was quite broad.

Where mah japanese game support @m$????">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

How is Bethesda with localisation? Just curious, localisation is definitely an issue that should be higher, I'm wondering if Bethesda's localisation is any good then hopefully Xbox utilises them for their own projects, I know they're separate but it feels like merging certain teams, like the localisation teams and store teams would be more beneficial in the long run...Kill Bethesda's launcher.

Also GameDVR is trash, it's slow, buggy, limited in editing, limited in recording, etc. I also don't know why anyone would use Xbox achievements over TrueAchievements nowadays it's so outdated and hasn't had any updates in years, TrueAchievements is vastly superior in basically every way.

Bethesda has been good in the past. But unfortunately, it seems like after Microsoft acquisition they shrunk down localisation efforts. Starfield Steam page has localisation info and it isn't looking good compared to previous Bethesda games, even recent Deathloop.


Spade said:

Concern trolling over Forza numbers is laughable. I put 90 hours into the game, tf else you want me to do. Right now I'm just keeping it installed until the godly dlc expansions are out.

The first expansion is rumored for next week, January 21:

I hope it is true, since I'm running out of accolades soon:

VersusEvil said:

FH5 1000G next Thursday then DLC on Friday. Good week.

I stopped trying for FH5 achievements after I reached 810/1000. The online ones looked super tedious 

343I should add new game + for Halo Infinite. I want to replay through the campaign with all the abilities and weapon unlocks.