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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - We live in a world where Nintendo gets better support from Microsoft than EA

konnichiwa said:
Jranation said:

Oh is this real? I was watching Easy Allies and they were sort of surprised how quickly the Xbox Briefing ended. 

Yes because it was reported the conference was 2 hours and 20 minutes long while we got only 90 minutes.

Oh wow! Damn what a shame! That would have saved Xbox for me at least. Any news on how they will share what the surprise was going to be?

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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I'm holding off on getting Game pass for PC in case they announce it for Switch as well in case you can't use the account for both.

Dulfite said:

Perhaps the Switch will be one of the handheld devices for the Xbox streaming (either from the xCloud servers via internet or from your own Xbox One).

"Remote play" from the local Xbox One to the Switch within the same WiFi could work nice. A "Switch 5G" model could follow to play Xbox games anywhere.

Liquid_faction said:
People need to stop and think before bashing on EA (I know it's fun guys, and in most cases they deserve it) Porting EA's biggest franchises into a Switch would require much more resources and money than porting a game like Minecraft, that can run on a toaster.

Yet games like MK11, DOOM, Wolfenstein, 2K sports, and the like seem to do fine.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

RolStoppable said:
vivster said:
What's this obsession of Nintendo fans with EA? Last time I checked they were the worst thing that ever happened to gaming and Nintendo fans look at it and say: "Damn, I wish worst thing that ever happened to gaming senpai would notice me".

It's just one guy and it's always the same guy.

konnichiwa said:

Yes because it was reported the conference was 2 hours and 20 minutes long while we got only 90 minutes.

Riiiiight... they cut off about 45 minutes because Miyamoto didn't show up.

The yes was for the cut shorter, I also watched with the easy allies community :).  MS sheduled for the conference to be around 2 hours. Reports said it could go up to 2 hours 20 minutes that's why people were surprised it was over in 90/95minutes.

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I'm cool with that. Microsoft actually makes games I give a damn about

Interesting topic. Would Microsoft be happier in a world where Nintendo is the market leader, or Sony? I'd have to think that more support for Sony would also mean more cross platform support for Microsoft, but perhaps Xbox consoles fare better in a market that is lead by Nintendo.

gamingsoul said:
Who cares about ea anyway, they can do whatever they want with their micro transactions and copy paste sport games.

Honestly how I feel about most of EA games.....

EA owes us a new Dragon Age (for us that dont care about their sport games, or online multiplayer focused shooters)

vivster said:
What's this obsession of Nintendo fans with EA? Last time I checked they were the worst thing that ever happened to gaming and Nintendo fans look at it and say: "Damn, I wish worst thing that ever happened to gaming senpai would notice me".

Probably because so many buy their sports games, that without them, a console is legally dead.

Also, EA is the only company allowed to produce American Football games since they acquired total exclusivity rights for it. So not having Madden on Switch means for many in the US that they would have to buy another console just for that game, for instance. (I still wonder how much they bribed the NFL for them to agree to such a stupid deal)

But I agree about their non-sports titles, these are really not needed on Nintendo platforms.

gamingsoul said:
Who cares about ea anyway, they can do whatever they want with their micro transactions and copy paste sport games.

Dunno, let me check the sales of Fifa... Fifa 18 sold... 24 million copies?

Yeah no one cares.