vivster said:
EricHiggin said:
Well this is just unfortunate and bombastic. However you do realize that you didn't show proof that Trumps opposition supporters don't partake as well right? Since you've made it clear your point was to insult Trump supporters, it's not much of an insult if it basically applies to everyone. Worse yet, insulting one's own political members, can lead to dire consequences in today's world.
I'd suggest sticking to more constructive criticism because needless division is quite unnecessary and unproductive.
See, the problem here is that no thing ever is applied the same way to both parties and their supporters, if that were so Trump would've already been impeached 2 years ago. Which means you can't apply the goat fucker truth to democrats because applying the same standards to both parties is absolutely impossible, just ask Fox News. You'll have to think of your own truths to apply to democrats.
Also quite ironic to hear complaints about "division" from the most divisive party here. But that's also just another trick in the Republican book. Calling everyone who disagrees with wrong statements "divisive", while doing nothing but further dividing everyone.
Trump does nothing else than peddle an "us vs them" rhetoric, while complaining about all the terrible division in the country.
I think you mean impeachment would never have come up because Trump would have obviously acted 'like all good Democrats' and the msm would have basically swept anything pointing to wrongdoing under the rug, leading to the followers supporting the Prez, right? I'm not going to make up things to smear either party to push an agenda, but you're free to do as you please, just don't be shocked if it hinders instead of helps.

It's a little fuzzy and hard to make out, but looks like you're right, those conservatives at Fox here are just contradicting themselves while fueling the fire...