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CaptainExplosion said:
EricHiggin said:

What do you mean you couldn't find something on the net? How can this be? Well maybe there's a meme hero out there who's up to the task.

Not sure how touching a woman is rape, especially since he's surrounded by a few of them in close proximity at some kind of party, and none of those woman seem to look uncomfortable in the situation they've put themselves in.

Where is the rest of the vid showing the woman getting upset and turning around and giving him a slap? Or was she ok with it?

Probably because they were expected by a rich conservative douche to put up with it, like a pimp and his hos. I know it's not rape, but it proves he was a potential rapist at the time, and wouldn't put it past him to be an actual rapist now, seeing as he's already encouraged racism and bigotry towards a Muslim congresswoman who called him out on his bullshit, and before that he put migrant babies in cages, let some of them die, and he clearly doesn't give a shit about the many lives he's ruined under his fascist regime.

Case in point.

Trump is a monster, and his supporters are monsters.

I have an hard time seeing how what looks to be harmless dancing with girls, means the dude is a rapist. I've spent enough time on dance floors in clubs in my life to know that if that's true, that a little to a lot of groping means you're likely a rapist, then like 80% of men must be rapists and about 40% of woman as well. What Trump is doing in the clip would be considered casual to what normally takes place of some dance floors today, without issue.

I really don't know how you explain and justify how the other items you've mentioned have anything to do with rape.

XB1X is a monster. Get your facts straight.

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sundin13 said:
EricHiggin said:

Not sure how touching a woman is rape, especially since he's surrounded by a few of them in close proximity at some kind of party, and none of those woman seem to look uncomfortable in the situation they've put themselves in.

Where is the rest of the vid showing the woman getting upset and turning around and giving him a slap? Or was she ok with it?

While I don't know the story behind that gif, I would like to politely inform you that this is not how consent works.

Legally maybe, but if you spent any time on a dance floor at a club, you'd pass out in disbelief after seeing so much disregard for the law by both genders.

Why does the vid end where it does, and why didn't she report him if she felt he violated her without consent? Isn't that how that works?

Torillian said:
KLAMarine said:

"Actually he did mention them in his tweets

The fact that you don't even know that is very telling, especially since it can be easily researched."

>I'm not seeing names in those tweets.

Trump: "So great to see how unified the Republican Party was on today’s vote concerning statements I made about four Democrat Congresswomen."

Can you give a single plausible scenario where Trump isn't confirming that his previous statements were about the four democrat congresswomen everyone knows it's about?

What four congresswomen is Trump referring to? Still not seeing names.

Names! I need names!

the-pi-guy said:
sundin13 said:

Out of curiosity (aka because I want to see something other than Trump's tweets discussed here), who are you supporting in the democratic primary and why?

Either Warren or Sanders.  Healthcare is probably my number 1 issue, and I view the direction they are taking with it, as a positive one.  

It'd probably be the single biggest thing that would positively impact my life.  

It's terrifying to have to decide whether an issue is worth going to the hospital for.  It's terrifying to have to weigh whether something could be life threatening, and if it isn't, then it's not worth the cost of going in.  

Yeah, Warren is my number one personally. I would really like to see her differentiate herself from Sanders on the subject of healthcare during the next debate if there is any daylight between them, but I would also like to see more focus on reducing the cost of care itself and not just changing the health insurance system. 

Actually, just in general I'm curious how they will separate themselves from each other. At first I was disappointed in the debate lineups but the more I think about it, I think it is really important for Warren and Sanders to figure out which one is going to be the leading "progressive" candidate here so hopefully this debate moves some votes around one way or the other.

EricHiggin said:
sundin13 said:

While I don't know the story behind that gif, I would like to politely inform you that this is not how consent works.

Legally maybe, but if you spent any time on a dance floor at a club, you'd pass out in disbelief after seeing so much disregard for the law by both genders.

Why does the vid end where it does, and why didn't she report him if she felt he violated her without consent? Isn't that how that works?


First of all, "a lot of people are committing sexual harassment so it is fine" is not a good argument.

Second, consent isn't something that should need to be provided retroactively. You don't grope somebody and then figure out if they were fine with it after the fact.

Third, there are thousands of reasons why someone wouldn't react in the moment they are sexually harassed and thousands more why they wouldn't report it. Rape and sexual crimes are woefully under-reported (even moreso when this gif was taken). That doesn't make them okay. Whether or not someone reports the crime or slaps their harasser doesn't matter. Often they are frightened or embarrassed or they feel like their statements wouldn't be believed or taken seriously, or feel that people would act the way you are acting here.

None of these are good arguments and they display a profound lack of understanding of both the psychology of sexual victimization and the moral and legal responsibilities of an individual who is initiating sexual contact.

KLAMarine said:

What four congresswomen is Trump referring to? Still not seeing names.

Names! I need names!

This is probably the silliest argument of all time...

Just, ugh...why? Its so trivial...

Last edited by sundin13 - on 19 July 2019

KLAMarine said:
Machiavellian said:

I am sure you would believe it sounds cool for "progressive" to go to some other country and help fix their problems as long as they are not trying to fix the problems within their own country.  Hell, you should be Trump tweet writer the next time.

"I am sure you would believe it sounds cool for "progressive" to go to some other country and help fix their problems"

>Yeah, definitely sounds cool! How is problem-fixing not cool?

"as long as they are not trying to fix the problems within their own country."

>What? Where'd this come from? I'd eventually want those progressives back. I don't want skill or talent leaving the country permanently.

This came from your comment.  You said it was cool for them to leave and go somewhere else to fix someone else problem which would mean they have to abandon their own position to accomplish your happy in the pie cool suggestion.  Also since you quotes the word "Progressive" I am guessing you did that on purpose to distinguish just that group and no one else.  Sure you would want them back, since you did not determine a time, it could be indefinitely.  As long as you state you want them back without any time frame you can also just leave it open and indefinite.

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EricHiggin said:

Thought it wasn't racist and was prejudice, and now it's a hybrid combination?

Please if you are going to be pendant you can do a better job.  Did the definition say racism, it stated racial prejudice.  Come on keep up.

Leave is the only thing that remotely makes sense. Asking to do good and return to help doesn't. Trump didn't just say leave.

Yes, he said leave.  He told them to leave their country.  No matter how you try to make it something that appear ok, he told 4 women of color to leave their country.  Are you really trying to make people believe with the last statement it makes the first one better.  I believe you are better than this Eric but this argument is making you look really bad.

You must since you used Germany in your own scenario. Maybe you should change it like you did prejudice.

You do know there are different types of prejudice right.  There was no change in my statement but you are really looking bad with this comment.  I believe you are not someone who wasn't born using English but maybe I am wrong.

So it wasn't racist before, and only prejudice, but now it's kinda racist and kinda prejudice? What happened to Trump being a complete idiot? Sounds like you're agreeing with the possibility that he's a mastermind who's playing his opposition like a fiddle. You're welcome.

Racial Prejudice, can you please read the definition so you understand.  You do know there is a difference between Racism and racial prejudice.  If not can you please educate yourself before continuing.  This is getting embarrassing.  And yes, Trump is still and idiot.  Not sure why you believe this has changed or his statements somehow make his this mastermind unless you agree with them.  Can you for the record state whether or not you agree with what he said.

If someone is too stupid to know the difference, or know enough to take into account, whether or not someone is actually from another country or not, when telling them to go to another country, how can you call them prejudice and be mad at them for that? That's like laughing and making fun of a handicapped person for being unable to do something they can't physically do because they are physically handicapped.

See this is your simple reasoning but you never asked me what made Trump stupid.  What made Trump stupid is that he in his ignorance which is on display so often, he never took to the time or cared to check if they were born and raised in the US.  That is what makes him stupid.  He made a very stupid public statement without taking care on what he said and without checking his facts.  We see this stupidity often from him and this is what makes him an idiot.  The statement itself is just him showing his true side.  Someone like Trump will always reveal themselves if given enough chances to keep on talking or in this case tweeting.

The definition isn't enough to explain the meaning? The dictionary isn't enough? W.T..F...?

You wouldn't say Trump is like a father figure to the American people in a way? Lots of people seem to think so based on how important they say he is and how he needs to set a good example for the people, especially the children, much like a parent to their child. Isn't Gov just one big dysfunctional family?

If this is the good example you see from Trump then I await to see what you would consider bad.  Who is to say Trump is the father or head of he household.  Either way it's a moot point.

He was proving a point. Trump made them look bad because they are saying their idea's could change things for the better and yet Trump doesn't agree, and since he's in power they won't be able to make the changes they want since he thinks their wrong. The only option would be to go elsewhere to do it, if they wanted it done asap, and they won't do that for many reasons, partially because it would be a nightmare to attempt in comparison to implementing it in America. That's because America isn't so bad, and yet they act like it's the worst place on Earth. He's using them against themselves to prove America is still great and that the hate they're spewing, plus the MAGA apparently meaning 'going back to a better time' spin, is all BS.

No he wasn't proving any point he was telling these women to leave their country and that's pretty much it.  Every person in Congress all the way up to the president believe their policy can make things for the better.  The difference is that Trump is making statements that these 4 women do not love their country because they want change.  Change they were elected to office to accomplish while he is stating the changes he make shows his love for the country.  Now if you want to talk about a total load of BS then continue defend that crap. No, Trump did not make them look bad but instead added another quiver show how he has always been a crap person.  

You can only lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink, especially the horses that think shoes are a right. No wonder why they are so thirsty and unhappy.

I have no clue what this mean.  Why even go into office stating you are going to make a change or difference and that goes for the President.  I guess you only see one side of the story because you are blinded by the filth.

I think God would judge by adding up all the good vs the bad, taking everything into account including the severity, concluding whether you pass or fail. Which means the good you did counts, but doesn't automatically grant you a get out of jail free ticket. What's with the all or nothing? I thought you said Epstein was covering something up with a bribe? Good context but you never explained how you know that...

Yeah that would be a great GOD.  I could find out how much good I need to do to offset all the crap I do.  I can basically bribe GOD. Nothing like good old capitalism at it's best.

I have no clue about Epstein, I was making a point.  Never ever followed the guy so really do not care.  You keep bringing him up as if he is your hero.
The dude needs to just cut spending already. The article points out that his aides have put forward numerous budget cuts but he's denied them all.

sundin13 said:

KLAMarine said:

What four congresswomen is Trump referring to? Still not seeing names.

Names! I need names!

This is probably the silliest argument of all time...

Just, ugh...why? Its so trivial...

Not trivial at all. I need Trump to name names in order to know who he's talking about.

Machiavellian said:
KLAMarine said:

"I am sure you would believe it sounds cool for "progressive" to go to some other country and help fix their problems"

>Yeah, definitely sounds cool! How is problem-fixing not cool?

"as long as they are not trying to fix the problems within their own country."

>What? Where'd this come from? I'd eventually want those progressives back. I don't want skill or talent leaving the country permanently.

This came from your comment.  You said it was cool for them to leave and go somewhere else to fix someone else problem which would mean they have to abandon their own position to accomplish your happy in the pie cool suggestion.  Also since you quotes the word "Progressive" I am guessing you did that on purpose to distinguish just that group and no one else.  Sure you would want them back, since you did not determine a time, it could be indefinitely.  As long as you state you want them back without any time frame you can also just leave it open and indefinite.

"happy in the pie"


"Sure you would want them back, since you did not determine a time, it could be indefinitely.  As long as you state you want them back without any time frame you can also just leave it open and indefinite."

>No return time was stated. Doesn't mean there can't be one.

the-pi-guy said:
KLAMarine said:

What four congresswomen is Trump referring to? Still not seeing names.

Names! I need names!

The media called these 4 "the squad"

and a day later, Trump has "the squad" in his tweets

The same set of tweets calls the same group of people "the four congresswomen".

The set of tweets even calls them "the four horsemen of the apocalypse".  

So back to this discussion:

"Do you honestly think that Trump wants them to come back and lead the country?"

>Yes! Read Trump's tweet

Do you honestly think that Trump wants someone who he seems to think are "the four horsemen of the apocalypse" running the country?  

No matter how you try spinning it, it is clear to anyone who is being honest that Trump was being disingenuous about wanting them to come back.

Or maybe Trump wants them back once they're no longer "horsewomen of the apocalypse"? Just about anything is possible when it comes to open speculation.

KLAMarine said:
sundin13 said:

This is probably the silliest argument of all time...

Just, ugh...why? Its so trivial...

Not trivial at all. I need Trump to name names in order to know who he's talking about.

Yeah, but you are literally the only human on the planet who doesn't understand what he is referring to, and at this point, thats on you bud. Just a suggestion, but usually when I don't understand something, I try using my brain and thinking but I get that's kind of radical and new-age-y, so you do whatever you like. Just don't be surprised when someone calls your just awful, awful "arguments" "silly" and "trivial".

Because they are.

Very much so.

Last edited by sundin13 - on 19 July 2019

sundin13 said:
KLAMarine said:

Not trivial at all. I need Trump to name names in order to know who he's talking about.

Yeah, but you are literally the only human on the planet who doesn't understand what he is referring to, and at this point, thats on you bud. Just a suggestion, but usually when I don't understand something, I try using my brain and thinking but I get that's kind of radical and new-age-y, so you do whatever you like. Just don't be surprised when someone calls your just awful, awful "arguments" "silly" and "trivial".

Because they are.

Very much so.

"Yeah, but you are literally the only human on the planet who doesn't understand what he is referring to, and at this point, thats on you bud."

>Indeed that's on me: I'm a skeptic with very high standards.