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Machiavellian said:

Prejudice - a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

Oh goody, you were able to google up the word prejudice.  Hey, I can do the same here is another definition see if you like this one better

Racial prejudice can be defined by either making an adverse judgement or opinion based on race or having an irrational hatred or suspicion based on racial or religious group's stereotypes. Racial prejudice in society has the potential to be a damaging factor in even the most normal settings.

Leave and do good things and then come back with something useful that will be helpful? That's what prejudice people say? On Earth?

LEAVE is the first and prominent word.  Meaning that they must first abandon their post and position which they earned.  So non prejudice people tell others to go somewhere else with their ideals and make it work instead of the place they were born and raise??  You tell me how that sounds because to me we still on point as being prejudice. 

Does Trump like Germany? Does he think Germany is a better country than America and that America should implement some of it's policies?

Who cares if Trump like Germany.  No one asked him to leave America and go back there so this is very pointless.

Why would telling an American to go back to their country be prejudice if you were using reason or experience in your remark? What about the black guy and his neighborhood? Why would you tell someone to go back home for no reason whatsoever? Maybe because you're a racist or nationalist possibly?

Hmmmm, did you not just answer this question.  Why would anyone ask an American to go back to their country when their country is America.  Maybe if the individual was thinking in a racial prejudicial manner the answer bubbles up to the surface.  Did you just agree with me here.  It sure seems like it.  Thanks.

I don't agree you can necessarily be both stupid and prejudice. If someone is too stupid to know the difference between something, how can you say they are prejudice and be mad at them for that?

What???  Because someone doesn't know they are prejudice then its ok.  I have no ideal where you are going with this line of thought.

Trump isn't basing what he said on reason or experience? Sure you're not talking about some of the things said to or about Trump?

You need to dig a little more into the term prejudice then just that small definition.

Of course he is. If someone had children, and those children were clearly well off overall, and all they did was complain about how their family sucked so much, are you telling me the parents should just put up with it and accept it? I don't know about you, but I'd teach those ungrateful kids a lesson. The sooner they learn, the less harsh you'd have to be. Some people never seem to learn though...

So you are comparing these 4 congresswomen as Trump children.  I believe this analogy totally misses the mark.

He told them to leave and come back, since they are so great they will easily make another country better off than America with their idea's and can rub it in Trumps face when they return. Problem is that would never happen even if they tried and everyone knows it.

So basically you agree that what he did was insult these women.  I guess you will not admit he used racial prejudicial tone to make his point but the end result is that's exactly what he did.

I should think long and hard about Trump not telling himself to leave the country? W.T..F...?

No, you should think long and hard about the context of Trump message and how its another way he divide this nation.  Either way, I am sure you will ignore it since you favor his brand of division.

How do you know this about Epstein? You mean like if you ask God for forgiveness, that the next time you sin you're done for good? Or do you continually get the chance to confess and be forgiven, only to sin again because you are a human that makes mistakes? Now you may sin more often and be a worse human because of that overall, but it doesn't negate any good you've done. It does make it much tougher to see the person in a positive light the more serious their sins though.

Do you believe you can come to GOD and say "Look GOD, I killed this person but I also Donated to Charity"  am I still a good person.  Does the worth of one action offset another.  You still continue to leave out motive and without that very key element it changes whether something someone does that happens to be good was done for good intentions.

Thought it wasn't racist and was prejudice, and now it's a hybrid combination?

Leave is the only thing that remotely makes sense. Asking to do good and return to help doesn't. Trump didn't just say leave.

You must since you used Germany in your own scenario. Maybe you should change it like you did prejudice.

So it wasn't racist before, and only prejudice, but now it's kinda racist and kinda prejudice? What happened to Trump being a complete idiot? Sounds like you're agreeing with the possibility that he's a mastermind who's playing his opposition like a fiddle. You're welcome.

If someone is too stupid to know the difference, or know enough to take into account, whether or not someone is actually from another country or not, when telling them to go to another country, how can you call them prejudice and be mad at them for that? That's like laughing and making fun of a handicapped person for being unable to do something they can't physically do because they are physically handicapped.

The definition isn't enough to explain the meaning? The dictionary isn't enough? W.T..F...?

You wouldn't say Trump is like a father figure to the American people in a way? Lots of people seem to think so based on how important they say he is and how he needs to set a good example for the people, especially the children, much like a parent to their child. Isn't Gov just one big dysfunctional family?

He was proving a point. Trump made them look bad because they are saying their idea's could change things for the better and yet Trump doesn't agree, and since he's in power they won't be able to make the changes they want since he thinks their wrong. The only option would be to go elsewhere to do it, if they wanted it done asap, and they won't do that for many reasons, partially because it would be a nightmare to attempt in comparison to implementing it in America. That's because America isn't so bad, and yet they act like it's the worst place on Earth. He's using them against themselves to prove America is still great and that the hate they're spewing, plus the MAGA apparently meaning 'going back to a better time' spin, is all BS.

You can only lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink, especially the horses that think shoes are a right. No wonder why they are so thirsty and unhappy.

I think God would judge by adding up all the good vs the bad, taking everything into account including the severity, concluding whether you pass or fail. Which means the good you did counts, but doesn't automatically grant you a get out of jail free ticket. What's with the all or nothing? I thought you said Epstein was covering something up with a bribe? Good context but you never explained how you know that...

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I think a lot of the misunderstandings come from the misconception that Donald Trump is capable of deliberate thought. If you try to make sense of the words that come out of that thing's mouth you already lost. Which is why all Trump supporters argue about semantics and never content.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Trump is a terrible human being and still has supporters. His supporters openly admit that he's terrible, but they still stand by him because they say they like his policies. My message to you guys is: If you sell your soul in order to win, you've already lost.

Meaning our humanity is all we really have. If you give up that part of yourself in order to win, you've already lost something far more important. Even if you guys take over the whole world, it won't be long until you're at each other's throats.

Possible 2020 Libertarian candidate is running from the CIA lol.

tsogud said:
KLAMarine said:

"Why does it matter whether or not he used their name?"

>Because the accusation is that he used the race of the supposed four congresswomen (which he never named in his tweets btw) to determined they didn't come from the US. I see Tlaib and I see Ilhan and I think "hmm, I wonder if they were born here in the states?"

Nothing racist about it, it's simple logic.

"It is equally bad to use a person´s name as a measurement of whether or not the person is an equal citizens to you or not."

>I don't recall Trump making any such measurement in his tweets. He said "go back, fix those problems, then return to the US."

Actually he did mention them in his tweets

The fact that you don't even know that is very telling, especially since it can be easily researched.

KLAMarine said:

More like others just get ahead of themselves.

"-You can't assume someone was from somewhere else."

>Sure you can: at the risk of being wrong.

"-You can't suggest they go back there."

>Why the hell not? It's a suggestion, not a command. No one is forcing anyone to go somewhere against their will.

The fact that at one of his recent rallies his supporters shouted "SEND HER BACK!" regarding Omar and Trump did nothing to stop them shows that it basically has the same meaning to him and his supporters. "Send her back" is definitely not a suggestion, it is a command.

"Actually he did mention them in his tweets

The fact that you don't even know that is very telling, especially since it can be easily researched."

>I'm not seeing names in those tweets.

""Send her back" is definitely not a suggestion, it is a command."

>Did Trump shout this as well?

MrWayne said:
KLAMarine said:

"Trump is the president of the United States"

>And does that give him the power to remove someone from office or a citizen from the country?

probably not but that the country's most powerful man toying with the idea, is still problematic.

"there are people who seriously want to revoke the citizenship of people like Ilhan Omar"

>I think you need to meet special criteria to achieve that, it doesn't just happen.

yeah you would probably need a majority among the people, mighty supporters are needed to achieve that.

"there were times where certain groups(blacks and women) didn't have full citizen rights in the US"

>Well it's 2019. Let's talk 2019.

It's 2019 and Alabama made abortions basically illegal, something many people couldn't imagine happening in the 21st century. Don't take any of your rights for granted.

"Do you think it is ok to threaten political enemies in such a way?"

>No. What threat are you talking about?

A threat is a threat even if there isn't a immediate action to it.

"Would it be ok for you if what Trump said becomes reality?"

>That "progressive" congresswomen go to some country and help fix its problems? And then come back and "show how it's done"? That doesn't sound that bad. That actually sounds kinda cool.

These four women are elected for the US Congress, all they should care about are their voters and America. Why do they have to pass such an unrealistic test? If every american politician also have to be an successfull politician in a nother country than non of your politicians would be in office.

It doesn't sound that cool anymore if you think about it.

"It's 2019 and Alabama made abortions basically illegal, something many people couldn't imagine happening in the 21st century. Don't take any of your rights for granted."

>Is an abortion a right? Isn't that a privilege?

"These four women are elected for the US Congress, all they should care about are their voters and America. Why do they have to pass such an unrealistic test? If every american politician also have to be an successfull politician in a nother country than non of your politicians would be in office.

It doesn't sound that cool anymore if you think about it."

>No one is saying they HAVE to pass any such test. Do you not know what a suggestion is?

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the-pi-guy said:
SpokenTruth said:
The irony of MAGA.

Trump recently said to 4 congresswomen that if they don't like current American policy, politics and circumstances they can go back to their country of origin (I'm paraphrasing, of course).

But is not the phrase Make America Great Again a statement of unhappiness with current American policy, politics and circumstances?


Conservatives to conservatives: if you don't like it, we will make it great again.  

Conservatives to liberals: if you don't like it, leave.

Conservatives to undocumented immigrants: why wouldn't you try fixing your country, instead of leaving it?

Out of curiosity (aka because I want to see something other than Trump's tweets discussed here), who are you supporting in the democratic primary and why?

KLAMarine said:
tsogud said:

Actually he did mention them in his tweets

The fact that you don't even know that is very telling, especially since it can be easily researched.

The fact that at one of his recent rallies his supporters shouted "SEND HER BACK!" regarding Omar and Trump did nothing to stop them shows that it basically has the same meaning to him and his supporters. "Send her back" is definitely not a suggestion, it is a command.

"Actually he did mention them in his tweets

The fact that you don't even know that is very telling, especially since it can be easily researched."

>I'm not seeing names in those tweets.

Trump: "So great to see how unified the Republican Party was on today’s vote concerning statements I made about four Democrat Congresswomen."

Can you give a single plausible scenario where Trump isn't confirming that his previous statements were about the four democrat congresswomen everyone knows it's about?


CaptainExplosion said:
Machiavellian said:

Finally he shows his colors.  Anyway I am sure his base thinks the same way even though I believe only one of those Progressive Democratic Congresswomen wasn't born in the US.

And he just called the people who chanted "Send her back!!" at his rallies "incredible patriots".

Might as well make this the new American flag.

1 big swastika indicates it applies to all of America. Maybe it should stick with 50 but the Republican states should be swastika's and Democrat states should be stars. On the other hand, that surely could be interpreted as division somehow, so maybe not?

CaptainExplosion said:
EricHiggin said:

1 big swastika indicates it applies to all of America. Maybe it should stick with 50 but the Republican states should be swastika's and Democrat states should be stars. On the other hand, that surely could be interpreted as division somehow, so maybe not?

I couldn't find a version like that.

Also, he's not just a racist, he's very likely or at least has been a rapist.

What do you mean you couldn't find something on the net? How can this be? One can only hope there's a meme hero out there who's up to the task.

Not sure how touching a woman is rape, especially since he's surrounded by a few of them in close proximity at some kind of party, and none of those woman seem to look uncomfortable in the situation they've put themselves in.

Where is the rest of the vid showing the woman getting upset and turning around and giving him a slap? Or was she ok with it?

EricHiggin said:

Not sure how touching a woman is rape, especially since he's surrounded by a few of them in close proximity at some kind of party, and none of those woman seem to look uncomfortable in the situation they've put themselves in.

Where is the rest of the vid showing the woman getting upset and turning around and giving him a slap? Or was she ok with it?

While I don't know the story behind that gif, I would like to politely inform you that this is not how consent works.