the-pi-guy said:
1.) The Federal Government has been bussing people around the country in areas that are capable of supporting them, and processing them. 2.) Martha's Vineyard is a vacation town, the immigrants were moved by the Republican governor into other areas of Massachusetts that are better equipped to handle them. 3.) Covers a lot of the dishonest takes that Republicans have been pushing out. |
Just finished watching this. Man it's so painful to watch Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Ben Shapiro talk. Like, every other sentence out of their mouth is a lie built on all the prior sentences, and they say it with such arrogance and confidence that, like, 20 minutes worth of their material needs nearly an hour to debunk everything they say. It's profoundly frustrating that these people get to keep feeling smug when they're so aggressively WRONg about EVERYTHING.
Any time I see a tucker carlson or Ben shapiro video, I make it 30 seconds in before my brain explodes from all the logical fallacies, bad arguments, blatant racism, and wannabe 'gotcha' journalism they try.
If anyone actually takes a few seconds to actually google virtually anything they say, they'll find it to be wrong or misleading or unrepresentative of the truth. and unfortunately, both Carlson and Shapiro have mastered the chain link fallacy. you know, say one thing that's kinda maybe true if you squint, then using that 'fact' to lead into another fact which is even less correct, then another take that's bad but makes sense if you assume the first two facts are true, then more and more bad takes and false facts (Some might call it fake news) because they started their chain of lies with a 'fact' that sounds true if you present it the right way. So much of their style relies on hooking people in the first few statements and pretending the chain of causality leads to their bonkers bullshit when it just...plain....DOESN'T.
Like, the amount of effort that SHOULD be needed to debunk them is 'you're full of shit and wrong about 95% of what you've said", but unfortunately you have to go 'no, this is false, you're misrepresenting the facts here, that's why this is false, and studies have shown that fact 4 in your line doesn't actually lead to the fact 5 you posited, and therefore the entire basis for points 6-24 are based on lies but let's pretend that any of those first six facts are true - which they aren't - and that still doesn't mean 8 or 9 are correct, there's no study to prove 10 has any basis in reality, 11-14 are just blatant racism but we're not allowed to call you racist even though you're displaying all the traits of textbook racism (But you didn't say the N-word so I guess it's not racism according to you, the racist in denial?)"
and so on.
and so forth.
It's so exhausting because they start from a point that sounds right if you don't actually check the facts, or sounds right based off the VERY selective logic and just goes off the rails.
Arguing with these guys feels like watching the series finale of Game of Thrones. Every sentence I had to pause it just to rant for 5 minutes about how NONE OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID MAKES ANY SENSE.
sorry, it's just so remarkably frustrating that this entire political party, which is known for being batshit insane, wrong about everything, racist about most things, and ignorant of the one thing they're supposed to be good at (Economics) get to pretend they're equal to those know, actually go to fucking school and learn how to interpret data, have empathy, and can parse good facts from bad.
I hate this idea that 'fact checking is biased' the whole point wasn't to be unbiased. That statement right there, as made by Iron megalith, is the crux of so much of what I hate about modern political discourse. an entire political party gets to whine about 'bias' in unbiased sources becuase they can't or are unwilling to handle the fact that REALITY DOES NOT AGREE WITH THEIR BULLSHIT.
"Science is Biased. Fact checking is biased." YOU DON'T GET TO DISMISS THE TRUTH JUST BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU LOOK BAD OR THAT YOU DON'T AGREE WITH IT! It just so happens to be that reality does not support republican values. Not anymore. and I'm sick of pretending like their opinions are just as valid as those who actually follow the facts.
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