Runa216 on 23 September 2022
KLAMarine said:
TallSilhouette said:
Part of the appeal for those sucked in is that its messaging can be whatever they want it to be. Whenever one of their numerous prophecies fails to come true they just spin another one out of whole cloth. Common threads tend to be that anyone they don't like (particularly those in power) are literal Satan worshipping, baby eating pedophiles, leaders they do like are part of some secret resistance working to defeat the cabal, and one day all those people they don't like are going to be rounded up and publicly and extrajudicially executed on the spot. My favorite summary comes from this video: |
Does this QAnon have a website? |
Please tell me you're not looking to support them. They're conspiracy nutjobs who are wrong about everything, not someone to be taken seriously no matter how many trumpists want to believe them.
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