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Forget the headline on this article but instead listen to the podcast on Shapiro take on the Disney issue.  Here I believe is a classic case of pure Hypocrisy.  Now Ben does preface the first part with saying he is against what Florida is doing but then he segue into supporting it.  This is the classic example where you say you have principles but then you throw them away because then you can say the other side does it first which means you never had those principles unless they were for something you supported.  In my opinion this is a classic example of why talking heads that people seem to feel are more true then mainstream media really are just as bad if not worse.  Its the pretense of principles that are easily thrown away when you can find a justification to do so. 

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 02 May 2022

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I'm assuming some of you have watched this fact talking video, for the ones that haven't, get a dose of real talk 

Why America sucks at everything.. 

With a string of right leaning governments by western democratic standards, including the so called "moderate" Dems, life has gotten harder for the majority of Americans living in the Richest country in history  

Machiavellian said:

Forget the headline on this article but instead listen to the podcast on Shapiro take on the Disney issue.  Here I believe is a classic case of purse Hypocrisy.  Now Ben does preface the first part with saying he is against what Florida is doing but then he segue into supporting it.  This is the classic example where you say you have principles but then you throw them away because then you can say the other side does it first which means you never had those principles unless they were for something you supported.  In my opinion this is a classic example of why talking heads that people seem to feel are more true then mainstream media really are just as bad if not worse.  Its the pretense of principles that are easily thrown away when you can find a justification to do so. 

I’d say a lot of the time it's worse than hypocrisy - it’s projecting. Republicans (or, more precisely, the Trumpist faction among the politicians, rather than the voters or some of the more sober politicians in the party) claim to be pro-freedom yet there are those applaud authoritarians and authoritarianism. They claim to be anti-pedophilia, yet push for legislation abolishing the age of consent within marriage (such as the recent attempt in Tennessee), and support politicians who are under investigation for child sex trafficking and sexual assault of children (Matt Gaetz and Roy Moore). The recent outcry by Trump about electoral tampering by the Democrats when it’s the Republicans doing the gerrymandering and their lemmings getting caught with all the voter fraud (the Todd Krysiac reported on earlier this week as a recent example busted for voting multiple times). There is a deal of hypocrisy with the idea that Republicans accuse Democratic politicians as being authoritarian for installing anti-Coronavirus spread measures, but at the same time cheer when a government forces businesses to have no measures for the spread of disease (as is the case with Ron Desantis acting to prevent businesses to have anti-Coronavirus measures) - the equivalent of making it illegal for food businesses to mandate hand washing or putting on hair nets before the preparation of food.

On a side note, anti-Coronavirus policy vs anti-anti-Coronavirus policy is a pro-health vs anti-health policy, or the reigns of common sense vs the reigns of stupidity. Leave it up to the crazed factions of the right wing to turn something like vaccinations and the covering of infected open nostrils into right vs left political issue.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 29 April 2022

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows

"The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO."

It's happening. Five decades of precedent and the will of the people be damned. This is sure to shake up the midterms, at least.

Time to stop procrastinating about that vasectomy.

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I've had my share of disappointment and anger with Dems and Biden this year, but this is a good reminder of why I would never under any circumstance vote Republican, or even abstain.

This is horrible news, they're striking down established precedent and who knows what they'll come for next after this. The United States is regressing significantly.

NobleTeam360 said:

This is horrible news, they're striking down established precedent and who knows what they'll come for next after this. The United States is regressing significantly.

Alito specifically mentioned Obergefell (the gay marriage ruling) and Lawrence v. Texas (criminalizing sodomy and effectively being gay) as rulings that should also be struck down on the same basis. Other rulings that could be at risk are Loving v. Virginia (interracial marriage) and Griswold v. Connecticut (ability to distribute birth control information.)

I hope the Democratic party can finally seize a midterm message out of this instead of letting themselves get blasted in November.

There's still a plurality of the country that wants abortion to be legal at the federal level and even those who prefer state rule should be able to see local Republicans are going for much more than just second or third trimester abortions.






Moren said:

I've had my share of disappointment and anger with Dems and Biden this year, but this is a good reminder of why I would never under any circumstance vote Republican, or even abstain.

Democrats are inept, weak, and unwilling to do what is neceesary.

Republicans are villanous and cruel. 

Both suck but at least one of them has their heart in the right place even if they're too inept to actually pull off the things they want to. At least the dems aren't actively trying to hurt people or remove freedoms all while pushing fake science to justify bigotry. 

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