Rab said: Your attitude is part of the problem, your one person, but you represent in a way many people that hold back progress, your reduced empathy for peoples social and environment plight, your focus on politics as a sport, and an indifference to a system where nothing gets done So if my attitude is the problem, how does yours progress the system. Give me specifics without all the character BS that leads to wasteful debate. I am actually willing to hear what you have to say on how can the progressives get the votes needed to push their agenda. I have asked this question multiple times and each time you have totally dismissed it. Instead, you throw out the character assassination BS because I guess it makes you feel good. My focus on politics as a sport is that its a complex game that we need to win. The fact you do not understand the game means you already lost. You wallow in this empathy part which doesn't mean anything because each individual social and environment plight is different. You want someone to have empathy for your plight but forget that another person plight is totally different. Of course I have no empathy for your social, Environmental plight because I have my own. Every leader caters to their base, every person caters to their needs. This whole empathy line is pretty much garbage to justify your need to ignore the question. You present no solutions so its easier to go the character assassination route. To be honest, I really do not mind, I just would love for you to actually answer the question and stop dodging it. I get it's a no win situation right now, how did it get here? weak leadership, a broken system, and media more concerned with the nuances of politics than they are on educating the public on the facts of issues and policies to help them, progressive ideas have had a constant fight to even get air time, they have slowly pushed forward over the recent years to see the light of serious discussion It doesn't matter how we got here, we are here. So how do you break the chain, by getting stuff done. You cannot build a house without first building the foundation. There is no progressive policy that effect people lives to gain traction for future endeavors at the moment. Yeah, they have got all these great ideals but they have a very poor track record in getting them done. They have not built a foundation of policies they can champion that effect voters minds but instead big spending packages that have no chance of ever making it to first base. Its like those packages are nice advertisement for a future that will never come because they cannot make the tough choices and pick something to get done and build from there. If you are waiting on the media to educate the masses, you must live in a privilliage place because when has the media ever done that. Information is power and directing people through their bias has always been a part of the media. It doesn't matter if its MSM or your Youtube show or blog. The ability to understand any topic will always be on the individual because if you ever fall victim of not doing your own research you then just become a puppet for someone else opinion. This is why I do not waste my time listening to some talking head. You just allow yourself to be lead by your bias and pretty soon you only find yourself listening to your own echo chamber. Its interesting how people rail against MSN but then go find some website, Youtube or blog that gives them exactly what they want. They just replaced one media for another but they are still consuming someone else opinion. They rely on those sources without out ever going to where they gathered their information to make their own opinion. In this massively underfunded compromise of $1.5 trillion over 10 years bill, the progressives may feel they cant budge because there is almost nothing left in the compromise and if they do give in it makes it easier to believe in future they will budge again The progressives will have to continue to budge because its a simple math problem. They do not have the votes. They can stonewall all they want but who do they hurt in the process. I actually agreed with them stonewalling the infrastructure plan, they played their hand but in the end, it did not work. Now they have to work with what they got. Its very evident they are not going to get anything more. In the future they will still need to budge because they do not have the votes. Right now they have today, there is no tomorrow if they do not get something done today. Biden and other influential Senators are really the only hope to move the needle on 2 recalcitrant Dem senators, it's really not a time to play nice This shows you have no clue about these 2 Senators. So what can Biden and these influential Senators do to make these 2 Senators agree to 3.5 Trillion bill. What leverage do they have that will make Manchin and Sinema conform. Stop with the vague wording and give specifics. If you have no specifics then this is another empty statement. I will give you my position. In order to get these 2 Senators to pass anything close to the 3.5 trillion bill, give them everything they want. Find out exactly what they truly are in that position to do and give it to them. Go behind close doors and hash it out. None of this play nice BS because in order to get something you need to be able to give something of equal worth. If you do not have something of equal worth then you need leverage on anything that can cause them political harm. Right now, these 2 Senators hold all the cards not the progressives. IF they are not giving these 2 Senators what they want then its easy for them to just do nothing. The Progressives doing nothing accomplish nothing and set them back. Issues like Climate cant wait even 5 to 10 years, once we reach the tipping point, even if we later drop carbon emissions to zero the climate will run away in it's own feed back loop, then it's beyond human control, the carbon targets world wide so far are woefully inadequate, even with those targets almost every country is already behind, the US being one of the biggest Then the progressives are wasting time. If the climate is in such an urgent state, then they need to make it the number one priority and sacrifice everything else. This part you seem to just do not get. The system is what it is and its not changing anytime soon. Thus if things need to be done immediately then all other items need to take a back seat and get something done now. If you only have 1.5 trillion to work with then you need to work with it. How does doing nothing improve the situation. How does it accomplish any goals. I still have no clue on your position here, you still seem to be advocating on doing nothing which to me sounds like a losing plan. What exactly is your position on this subject. I already stated mine. Get something done no matter how small because doing nothing will not improve the situation. If you are not building a platform on success then how can the public acknowledge you way is right. Its much easier to denounce a dream then it is to denounce a successful action. |