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KratosLives said:

I still don't understand how someone as old as biden has managed to run for and become president. America has completely lost it. Really you can't find an educated younger leader who has a chance of survival in the next few years..

"None of this proves they were out to kill anyone. You have over a 100 mill trump supporters, many who feel they have been screwed over. I'm sure there are many. Hardcore supporters, yet no one has taken arms and gone to the streets guns firing. No terrorist attacks, in any of the 52 states.  Where is this fanatic outrage in the streets?? Their hero and the president , leader has called foul play and yet no riots in the streets." 

So... when people support a 74 year old man for president to the point where he is their "hero" and they are rioting solely because he "called foul play", you want to give them all gold stars for not committing acts of terrorism (debatable).

When people elect a man who is 4 years older, that's when they've completely lost it!!! XD

I know you're sad that your great awakening didn't happen, but you're embarrassing yourself here. 

Edit: Closer to 3 1/2 years actually.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 21 January 2021

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KratosLives said:

I still don't understand how someone as old as biden has managed to run for and become president. America has completely lost it. Really you can't find an educated younger leader who has a chance of survival in the next few years..

Your being ageist, and yes that's a real issue for many.. try looking for work when your over 50 (you will get there) 

People should be Judged on their merits/skills, not age, not sex, not race, not unrelated disability, not sexuality, we are beyond this crap now

Ageism just being one of the last prejudices that has not been properly addressed, so many still feel it's fine in bringing it up (same types of people that thought race or sex was a legit issue in the day) 

In contrast to a certain mob of anti-democracy "patriots" who apparently have plenty of leisure time to spare on say a normal Wednesday between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM, I had to do a thing called work on Wednesday right through the time of Biden's inauguration, so I had to watch it later in the evening rather than live. When I finally got the chance though, I at first actually felt confused. I had completely forgotten what it was like to have a president actually treat his position with some kind of, you know, dignity! I was thinking like "What is this foreign thing that is happening on my screen?!"  I didn't even recall what it was like at first to have the highest office in the land treated as something other than just a bully pulpit. Then, after this momentary feeling of being lost had passed, I experienced a rush of peace as the value of that simple proposition set in. More peace than I've felt in years. I've missed having a real president. And I guess I'd forgotten that there was even such a thing.

I don't know what to say about Biden's unity-themed speech. It was hopeful. It was optimistic. It was naive. It was cliched. It was needed. That sums up my thoughts. I'm proud to be a Democrat at this moment.

What I want most out of the Biden Administration and Democratic House and Senate are 1) an end to this pandemic, 2) a higher minimum wage that will allow me to live above the poverty line for the first time in my life, and 3) a hospital in my area. These priorities should be passed through the budget reconciliation process that, under present circumstances, would require only Democratic votes because I can't imagine any Republican supporting any of those things. Most other things that Democrats would prioritize I'm fine with them having to get some Republican support to pass because I'm not the most enthusiastic supporter of just every one of their cultural priorities. Other than that, it's stuff Biden has already started doing because he has the power to by executive action, like re-joining the world community and being America again.

Those are my initial thoughts on the new administration.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 22 January 2021

It really does feel strange to now be in a post-Trump era; surreal. If you want to take one final look back at the last four years though (understandable if you don't), it really is crazy what we've been through. Doubtless you've forgotten all about things that would be massive scandals in any other administration.

More sinister:

More embarrassing:

KratosLives said:

I still don't understand how someone as old as biden has managed to run for and become president. America has completely lost it. Really you can't find an educated younger leader who has a chance of survival in the next few years..

After Trump, any "sane" and normal person, is a welcome addition.

Also Trump is just 4 years "younger" than Biden.
Both are "too old" (imo), but Biden is clearly a better person sitting at the helm, than Trump.

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Worth noting that of the last seven presidents, four of them (Reagan, Bush Sr., Trump, and Biden) have been in their 60s or 70s when first elected. So really, it's more the case that Clinton and Obama were unusually youthful by recent standards, with Bush Jr. being somewhere in the middle.

Bernie happy with what Biden has been acting upon and saying, he even shed tears at his inauguration :)

Runa216 said:
Machiavellian said:

That is the key, what parts are actual fact and what parts are actual opinion.  Fact is the climate is changing, is it an opinion that the cause is Human output.  This is where data is used and models to prove this point but, when researching this topic you will see that both sides have their data models to prove their point.  Who's data is correct.  Most layman will not know the difference or even be able to understand the concepts and because of that each side will just pick the model that support their bias.

Take CORVID, as your example its contagious which is fact, the theory part comes into play is the Preventive methods used are they effective.  This is not fact but based on educated opinion and there is a lot of opinion on what is effective or not.  Just take the issue with mask, when CORVID was first talked about from Fauci and the CDC, they stated mask were not effective but changed that stance once more data came out about the virus.  Multiple doctors have chimed in and though the majority still state that mask are effective, there is no definitive scientific data proving it is one way or another.  This is why we get conflicting information from different doctors.  Also the issue is that you get multiple people in the medical industry chiming in on the topic which also muddies the water because most laymen will just pick the opinion that follow their bias.

Its the details that everyone will look at when basing their opinion on a subject.  The bigger picture to you may not be the big picture for them and this goes toward perspective.  

You genuinely don't have any clue how science works, do you? Like, you don't understand how things are researched, tested, hypothesized, and iterated upon to get the latest and most accurate readings in order to best understand the world around us. 

These things you discuss, they're not opinions. They're poor interpretations of the facts or a willing ignorance. Whether humans are or are not influencing climate change is not a matter of opinion. Your thoughts on the matter are irrelevant. We either are or we are not. Your opinion on how much influence and effect is permissible does not change the facts. This sort of belief system is exactly why we have flat earthers and antivaxxers and antimaskers and climate change deniers. Beliefs like this are doing a gross disservice to the world we live in and the people that live in it. You misconstruing data and misrepresenting facts as opinion is how we get shit like Trump in office in spite of the many horrible things he's done. 

I really believe sometimes you have a problem understanding what I am saying.  Let me make this more obvious so that you do not continue to miss my point.  I was not making any comment about science and how its researched, tested, hypothesized etc, I am talking about how people perceive information.  Actually you really should go back and look at what is theory and what is exactly fact, because I believe you have a problem with understanding which is which.

Either way, getting back on point, the point is that when trying to make someone understand your point, how do you convey that information you provide is correct and their information is wrong.  The reason we have people that believe the earth is flat is because of perception.  Anyone can find information that support their belief and this is why you will constantly have people believe all sorts of stuff.  The question is how would you make them see your side of any discussion on any of those point.

You make me believe that you have never had any discussion with people who think totally different from you or perceive events and situations totally different.  Have you actually had any conversations with someone who is antimask.  I have had multiple conversations on the topic with educated individuals and believe you me, we all throw out reports and articles for and against.  We use doctors opinion and models based on study and you will be surprised how not so easy it is to sway someone to your point when they can easily find a counter whether its solid or not.

Jpcc86 said:
curl-6 said:

So the MAGA crowd are taking it well, jeez


I wonder what they would think if someone reminded them that could also be used against them. 

Runa216 said:
KratosLives said:

I still don't understand how someone as old as biden has managed to run for and become president. America has completely lost it. Really you can't find an educated younger leader who has a chance of survival in the next few years..

Joe Biden is 78 years old. 

Donald Trump is 74. 70 when he was voted in.

Despite this, Donald Trump sounds like a crazy person spouting about chemtrails and the rapture on the street corner while Biden just sounds like old captain america. While he's certainly old, at least he's coherent. I do not understand what this obsession is with the right pointing fingers any time a democratic leader isn't in tip top shape. Remember how hilariously stupid it was when there were actual, widespread conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton's health? Remember how that was a big deal even on fox news and OAN? 

It's not about wrong or right, it's about right vs the left. It's kinda gross. 

Like, remember Obama's scandals? Like that time he wore an unflattering beige suit? Or how about that time he had FANCY dijon mustard and Fox news tried to rip him a new one? 

But hey, best not raise a fuss about those fucking kids in cages, eh? That's just bipartisan hackery. Nope, has NOTHING to do with human rights violations or potential war crimes. Not about the concern know, the health and safety of a vilified minority, that's just the left attacking the right. That's political, not ethical. Because the Right only sees things in us vs them terms. Everything is binary and simplified. If you're not with us, you're against us. 

I'm going to call you out on that. The left of the American political spectrum was swinging that gavel way before Trump schmucks started using it against you. 

And don't think I didn't see past the Captain America allegory. We had an idiot in charge and now we have a fool-autopilot in charge. At any rate, you're acting like one is objectively good when they were both differing forms of bad. The only good candidates the US could put in the ballot were never viable options. 

Rab said:

Bernie happy with what Biden has been acting upon and saying, he even shed tears at his inauguration :)

Oh brother.