KLAMarine said:
"Adjustments need to be made in order to find that proper balance" >What does a proper balance look like? |
That's what we need to find. What we have is definitely not it, but trying to stifle all attempts to find said balance is doing a grave disservice to the people of this world. So much of what I find infuriating about your points - and the points of the handful of people I keep arguing with - is that your stance really is 'well, any change might be off-balance in the opposite direction so it's therefore wrong. and in a manner of speaking I agree with that. IT would be equally as bad for white people or males or straight people or cis people to be persecuted for who they are. the thing is, nobody wants that. It just seems that way because for some reason people can't seem to understand these issues as more than binary.
The only way it seems to be that these issues get debated is that BLM wants whites to be killed and treated like shit becuase black people have been treated like shit forever. that is NOT what they want. Sure, there are always outliers, but do you distrust every person you meet because some people are murderers? The only way these issues get discussed is by using strawmen - and I admit I have found myself using them as well because it seems to be the only language some people understand.
BLM doesn't want black power, they want equality, yet people paint them as radicals to delegitimize their quest. The protests by BLM are not violent, even if a handful of people do get violent and a few outliers are making them look bad (or alt-right trolls do). BLM means Black Lives Matter. Not ONLY black lives matter, yet the 'All Lives Matter' crowd are treating it as such. that was never the goal, but it's the only way to paint BLM as the enemy and make them a target.
Defund the police isn't about completely removing police presence, but rebuilding the systems to work better while redistributing funds into preventative measures that might limit or combat crime before it happens. Yet, the argument that seems to be chanted or understood by the opposition is that they're doing something they're not, that they stand for something they don't. The concept being argued against is not what the concept stands for.
Liberals and SJWs and Democrats don't want to take away your freedom or force you to think like them, they don't want to criminalize being white or male or whatever. They're not trying to force you to think like they do, the purpose of so many of these SJWs (as the alt-right likes to call them) is to try to enact social action that makes the world a better place for EVERYONe. Every religion, every gender, every sexuality, etc.
Gays, LEsbians, trans people, and everything in between just want the right to love and be loved and have that love acknowledged by the powers that be. They don't give a shit if you're gay, they don't want to force your kid to be trans, and no they're NOT checking you out. You're probably gross to them and have no idea how to pair pork with the perfect Bordeaux. They never wanted to make a world where Homosexual or trans was the default, they have no intention of 'ruining the fabric of traditional marriage', they just want a world where THEY can be gay or trans without feeling like they need to hide it or be afraid when they go out at night. They want acceptance, not power. they want respect, not control.
The only way to fight these causes is to delegitimize them by portraying them as something they're not. You're one of the worst for it I've ever seen, which is why I am so furious with you and Dolphin and Zoombael and so many others in this thread. You are not arguing against the things you think you are. I don't engage with most of your points because they are predicated on your weirdly misrepresentative concept of the thing you're arguing against instead of the thing you are actually combatting. Your points don't get any respect for me because they are attacking a strawman, not the actual points you're trying to make.
I said it before and I'll say it again: you need to be better. you need to do better. you need to understand what it is you're fighting against. Your views of what things are, what is happening, and what people want out of these protests and so many other things is not based on reality, it's some weird alt-right fantasy the movement has made to justify their hatred and vigilance against something that SHOULD be universally agreed upon.
Black Lives Matter, I never thought I'd be seriously arguing with someone who has a problem with that point. Then again, the point so many here argue isn't whether or not black lives matter or whether the protests are justified, it's this weird nonsense version of the idea that BLM really means ONLY Black Lives Matter or that white Lives don't matter. This is absurd, and you need to do better. You'll never grow as a person if you don't understand this.
And if you DO understand this and still have a problem with what's going on, then you're at least a little bit bigoted and you're going to have to come to terms with that. I know everyone's a little bit racist sometimes, but have you tried keeping that shit to yourself?
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