Biggerboat1 said:
EricHiggin said:
Neither is pissing into the wind, but simply taking a few evident things into account would quickly reveal, aimlessly doing just that would be quite foolish.
If I'm missing something it's not the expressed context. Some are.
Apples to apples? You missed the point. How large was the Gov when it started compared to now? Much bigger Gov, in a time of promoted victimhood and (legal) retaliation, more problems? How much of an issue was the media for the Gov when it started compared to now? Much more (opinionated) media, instantly broadcasting worldwide, more problems?
The climate is much worse today then it's ever been, did you know that? - Sure, everyone knows that, but what's your point? - Don't you want to know why it's changing and what's causing it? - Why would you ask that? That wouldn't be an apples to apples comparison anymore now then would it?
Bold 1 :
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here to be honest... You're agreeing that interpreting the revolving door comment isn't difficult (yet you failed to do so), and neither is pissing into the wind... Why is it foolish to note that Trump's staff turnover is extremely high in comparison to previous Presidents? Do you have a better comparison?
Bold 2 :
So then why not just look at recent Presidents? The gulf is still there... So your point is?
And, yes, the climate is terrible at the moment, you don't think a big part of that is due to Trump's own behaviour? Part of being an effective President is knowing how to present yourself and communicate in a way which results in the best perception... Trump deliberately goes out of his way to be divisive, so pretending that he's some innocent bistander is ridiculous!
Let's get specific, in your opinion - what percentage of the high turnover would you say is Trump's fault?
I'm saying if you didn't think about the fact that the wind was blowing, and in what direction, pissing into the wind would get you covered in urine. Who wouldn't take the wind and it's direction into account? Who's mindlessly ok with drenching themselves in piss? Just looking at Trumps turnover rate vs other Presidents doesn't take anything else into account, and to assume Trump is mindlessly hiring and firing people just to pass the time would be foolish.
Based on your apples to apples argument, all people would have to argue climate change is a difference in temperature, that's it. No CO2 levels, no ocean levels, just temperature. Who's going to agree climate change is definitely a problem if you can't use causes to back it up? Who's going to be able to agree why Trump is firing so many people if all we can look at is the turnover rate and that's it?
The same if not a somewhat lesser percentage than previous administrations due to the extra complexity that exists today.
Machiavellian said:
EricHiggin said:
Who said it is? What portion of those books are direct quotes? What portion of the book needs to be truthful to make the entire thing completely factual? There's only room for one Messiah and it's not Trump.
Just because Trump hires the best people, doesn't mean they meet his standards. Good enough for now until I can find someone better is sometimes necessary when you have as much to do and as much responsibility as he has, not to mention the constant negative media coverage, warranted and not. You can't just leave positions open for extended periods and expect to make worthy progress, even if that progress you make is less than you would like it to be.
You just called the books fiction. As to the rest of the sentence, yeah, ok, sounds like a lot of waffling going on.
Lol at bolded. I never seen someone waffle as much as you. You would have been better off not saying anything on that point. Really, we all know it was just another hyperbolic statement from Trump but you actually are trying to justify it. Lol, you bring a smile to my face during these conversations as you try to justify every dumb statement from Trump.
Interesting enough, I was reading some psychology books and came across the Dunning-Kruger effect. I should have know they would have a condition for Trump already spelled out.
Anyway this should be fun. As we continue this conversation, I will bring up more dumb hyperbolic statements from Trump and you can have the fun of finding ways to justify them.
I just asked a question like you did. I eat waffles for breakfast.
So your saying it's not possible for a person to have higher standards than the available people they're able to hire in a given amount of time? Then why are we bothering to try and get to Mars? Might as well just lower our standards to the moon because we know we can achieve that apparently. What kind of idiot would even dare strive for Mars... Are they idiots?
The irony of the DK effect, is that those who point out others who suffer from it, may very well have it backwards, and not know it.
Your right, this is fun.