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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who's getting Dead or Alive 6 ?

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Are you buying it?

Yes 13 39.39%
No 16 48.48%
Maybe? 4 12.12%
I dont even? 0 0%
shikamaru317 said:
I'm renting it at release, will buy the deluxe edition or an edition that includes the DLC characters on sale later on.

Probably not going to happen they are part of the season pass 1/season pass 2 etc....   The first one is 90$

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I'll wait for an Ultimate Edition. Game has been so mishandled from the start.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Not really all that into fighting games anymore. Doesn't exactly help that the game asks for an 97-8700 CPU, which already sets off some red flags in terms of optimization.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

melbye said:
Immersiveunreality said:

I loved them when i used to have friends coming over to play against,the multiplayer online thingy just isnt the same for me.

It really isn't the same is it, playing with people in the room vs online. One really is far superior to the other

Yeah the direct interaction with friends and to clearly see how they react in different situations cannot be replaced by current multiplayer for me,but maybe i am just an nostalgic old fool.

melbye said:
Immersiveunreality said:

I loved them when i used to have friends coming over to play against,the multiplayer online thingy just isnt the same for me.

It really isn't the same is it, playing with people in the room vs online. One really is far superior to the other

Yea, even though I did not play that much local multiplayer back when I was younger, I appreciated the times I played with friends. It's hard to replicate that joy of playing with others when you're just chatting online. Not to say online multiplayer is bad as it allows us to connect globally, but local multiplayer just has that special experience that cannot be replaced.

That is why I appreciate games like Super Smash Bros., Mario Party, etc. Even though online is a thing, it's hard to replace the thing that makes these games special, the local multiplayer aspect. When I recently played Super Mario Party with friends, I was having a blast. That cannot be replicated online. That is also why I appreciate the Switch more, the opportunity to share and play games with friends with a simple exchange of Joy Cons whether on the go or on the TV is pretty awesome.

Anyway, in regards to DoA6, I am 50-50 in buying it or not. I like the DoA series (though not enough to buy the Extreme games, :P), but the continuing microtransactions of costumes and the relatively weird back-and-forth promotion between wanting to be taken seriously as a fighting game and going back to its fanservice roots (especially with the suggestive content shown at EVO Japan 2019) has sort of thrown me off and I have not paid enough attention towards the game. All of this likely hurt DoA 6's chances of getting into the main lineup of EVO 2019. I might buy it latter when the price goes down as I actually want to see where the story (as crazy as it is) goes.

Last edited by Kai_Mao - on 01 March 2019

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Did this game get woke? If not Im buying it

Unsure, i'll wait for the [insert your joke title] Edition, cause you know.. there will be plenty of dlcs and updates.

Mr Puggsly said:
Burning Typhoon said:
It hasn't done much to impress me. Mai is back, and who I'd guess is Kyo. No Virtua Fighter characters and the 1500 dollars worth of DLC from DoA5. Of course there will be a new version of DoA6. Tag battle is also removed, so when I have multiple people over, or want to use two characters myself, it's not an option. Tag battle being removed isn't a huge deal, but everything else, is. It's not worth 60 dollars.

The only thing that could get me to buy this at launch would be the entire Virtua Fighter cast.

I like DOA5 but it also left a bad taste in my mouth. Numerous releases, tons of DLC, pain in the ass update, etc.

I'm fan of the series but I don't need to play it at launch.

I feel the exact same way.  Right now, DoA5 offers a better value than the sequel does.  It's a shame.  But Mai gets to come back, and who I think is probably Kyo.  with DLC practices like this, we need VF6 to come.  Tekken and DoA, which were both born from Virtua Fighter are still around, so why not dust off the series, and stop using effects that have been around since the first game.

I'll start with the "Core" version if they ever release one. Depending on how it is, I'll go for the full game.

After Left Alive and Sekiro.