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Forums - General Discussion - Is PewDiePie an anti semitic Youtuber???


What is your thought

It's just a Joke people don't get the Joke 21 55.26%
All the websites that acc... 5 13.16%
PewDiePie is a reincarnation of Hitler 3 7.89%
All of this is an ilmuniti works 3 7.89%
I don't care i am busy playing Smash Bros 6 15.79%
GhaudePhaede010 said:
sundin13 said:

Bit of a false equivalency. If Kaep were to shout out someone who, say, reviewed music who made an obscure anti-white joke in a video a few years ago that would perhaps be a bit more equivalent to this situation from my understanding of it.

And if that were the case, I would continue telling everyone to quit their whining.

It would not matter if he spoke about the black panthers of 1969. If he shouted out a black supremacist group, people would be all over him. My point stands.

Just because Leftists label someone an anti-Semite, doesn't make it so.  Hell, that's their new go to name for people they don't like (while they fail to see the irony in their blind hate of Israel) that they use so much that, just like misogynist and racist, it has lost all meaning.

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GhaudePhaede010 said:
sundin13 said:

Bit of a false equivalency. If Kaep were to shout out someone who, say, reviewed music who made an obscure anti-white joke in a video a few years ago that would perhaps be a bit more equivalent to this situation from my understanding of it.

And if that were the case, I would continue telling everyone to quit their whining.

It would not matter if he spoke about the black panthers of 1969. If he shouted out a black supremacist group, people would be all over him. My point stands.

Par for the course in this day and age of outrage culture. Blame the msm, election results, and the worst of Twitter and other social media users.

I'm not agreeing with it. I'd rather everyone just mind their own business, but the way things are right now, that doesn't seem feasible for the near future.

As for Pewds, no. He's a goofy internet celeb that makes retarded internet videos that a lot of people like. He does what he does "for teh luls" and there's nothing deep or political about it. And that's fine. Most you can say is he's anti-censorship, whether it's a personal opinion or just his own business interests, and that's fairly common among most internet content creators for obvious reasons.

From what I understand, literally the only thing Pewdiepie did was make a somewhat off-color joke that involved a youtube channel which you can pay to hold up any message you want, which he thought it would be funny to have them hold up an anti-semetic message while doing a bit where he came across it and looked surprised. And he will shout the occasional racial slur as a sort of knee jerk reaction/rage online. It's meant to be like a cuss, not being disrespectful to any race..

He probably does the occasional move that's in bad taste or a bit out of line, but to lump him into the same category as say, David Duke by branding him "anti-semetic" or "racist" is hilarious and ridiculous beyond belief. Aren't we dilluting the term at this point, to where it's completely losing all meaning?

Lol, and then the sensationalist media wonders why nobody takes them seriously anymore. And I don't even like this guy, btw. In fact I find him quite annoying and not deserving of the absurd amount of subscribers and hits he gets.

It's also immensely foolish for media establishments to go after this guy, considering he one of the biggest, if not THE biggest online celeb out there, he has litterally millions of hardcore millennial and gen z fans, who are already likely in the habit of getting their news and entertainment online/on Youtube rather than watching TV. I swear, these guys are trying to write their obituary at this point.. They're on the fast track to becoming as irrelevant as much of the print newspaper/media industries have become if not worse..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

He had Ben Shapiro host a meme review not two weeks ago. I doubt letting a Jewish man host his own show on his own channel and letting him gain awareness to a fanbase not likely to watch him is something an anti Semitic man would do.

This is just more unnecessary outrage without any second thought....

I haven't watched him in ages so could be wrong but I always thought he was joking.

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Tagged, (will edit a proper reply later, i just dont want to lose the thread).

No he is not. What happened was, in one of his videos, Pewdiepie shouted out 28 smaller Youtube channel's when he was making a video about anime. Pewdiepie said he really liked a few videos of this guys channel about anime reviews. It turned out the guy had some secret nazi references in some of his videos. Low and behold, Pewdiepie didn't realize this when he did the initial shout out. This shouldn't even be a thing, but it is now.

LOL The Verge and ResetEra! This is nothing but a fishing expedition by left of center media outlets trying to smear PewDiePie, probably in response to the trashing he gave their beloved 2018 edition of Rewind and how much support he continues to draw when they've been predicting his demise since last year. Reminds me of the stuff the Wall Street Journal ran last year about Pewds which set off the "Adpocalypse", although this won't have anywhere near the impact that article did.

BTW, if you want to see what real anti-Semitism looks like in mainstream / popular culture, have a read of this article by Tablet that goes in depth on the deep rooted, anti-Semitic views that some of the co leaders of the Women's March apparently share. It's pretty eye opening, especially considering the pass these women get from the mainstream media and their cheerleaders on the left who support their cause and overall goals of #Resistance.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

He's as much of an anti-semite as I am a racist when I say Nigger.

When will people learn that you can't be an accidental racist, anti-semite or homophobe? There has to be intent. You know, that thing that's really important when judging people. The thing that actual courts use when determining punishment. But of course the social media court doesn't have to adhere to judicial principles. It's just judgement without trial.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

NightDragon83 said:
LOL The Verge and ResetEra! This is nothing but a fishing expedition by left of center media outlets trying to smear PewDiePie, probably in response to the trashing he gave their beloved 2018 edition of Rewind and how much support he continues to draw when they've been predicting his demise since last year. Reminds me of the stuff the Wall Street Journal ran last year about Pewds which set off the "Adpocalypse", although this won't have anywhere near the impact that article did.

BTW, if you want to see what real anti-Semitism looks like in mainstream / popular culture, have a read of this article by Tablet that goes in depth on the deep rooted, anti-Semitic views that some of the co leaders of the Women's March apparently share. It's pretty eye opening, especially considering the pass these women get from the mainstream media and their cheerleaders on the left who support their cause and overall goals of #Resistance.

God this article "triggers" me so bad as the liberal arts college kids say, lol..

This is where identity politic and victimhood obsession gets us, or "The Cult of Victimhood" as I like to call it.. It just leads to more division and chaos. The more people segregate into groups and try to claim moral virtue over the others, the more the groups inevitably go after one another..

I really hope this sort of thing doesn't take further root but I can't help but feel it's getting worse. It's turning into a dystopian nightmare where everyone's out to cut down everyone else, it's certainly no society I want to be any part of. Thank god I'm already in my 30s so I hopefully won't live long enough to see it get REALLY bad..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden