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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Own a VR Device?


Do You Own a VR Device?

Yes, and it's awesome 168 13.05%
Yes, it's alright 84 6.53%
Yes, but I regret it 43 3.34%
No, but I really want one 143 11.11%
No, but I'm considering it 243 18.88%
No, not interested at all 606 47.09%
shikamaru317 said:
I have no interest in gen 1 VR. Maybe by gen 3 it will be advanced enough to interest me.

How much experience do you have? I’m always sad to read something like this, considering PSVR has already delivered some of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of gaming...and it’s only going to get better.

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I want to wait until pretty much every kind of game can be played in VR without compromises to the title in question.

RolStoppable said:
Errorist76 said:

How much experience do you have? I’m always sad to read something like this, considering PSVR has already delivered some of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of gaming...and it’s only going to get better.

That makes me wonder how much experience you have.

Been gaming on almost everything since Atari 2600. You can leave those snarky comment up your a if you don’t want to contribute to the discussion. So how is your level of VR experience?

Ive gotten the opportunity to try out actual VR once, and it was pretty amazing. unfortunately, i just dont have the beef specs required to run a headset, nor would i have enough reason to justify buying one. i would love to own one, but its just not gonna happen anytime soon

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
I want to wait until pretty much every kind of game can be played in VR without compromises to the title in question.

You’re going to wait a long time then. VR requires a considerable extra amount of work.

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Yes, I have an Oculus Rift.  Yes, I find the experience amazingly immersive.  VR Sports Challenge and Wilson's Heart (completed) are my favorite games at the moment.  Wilson's Heart is extremely atmospheric and literally made me feel like I was inside an old Twilight Zone episode or Universal monster movie (the good ones).

Errorist76 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
I want to wait until pretty much every kind of game can be played in VR without compromises to the title in question.

You’re going to wait a long time then. VR requires a considerable extra amount of work.

Sounds like something that's holding back gaming then. 

Errorist76 said:
shikamaru317 said:
I have no interest in gen 1 VR. Maybe by gen 3 it will be advanced enough to interest me.

How much experience do you have? I’m always sad to read something like this, considering PSVR has already delivered some of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of gaming...and it’s only going to get better.

I tried it out many times. I liked Rez and SuperHot but for the rest.. It's just not there yet. And by that I mean VR as a whole, by which I count PSVR at the bottom since it was imo inferior to what I tried out with the Vive and the Rift.

Got Oculus Rift, Oculus Go and PSVR. I love every one of them. Sadly, I don't have too much time to play with them right now. But VR is still awesome. My favourite right now is Euro Truck Simulator 2 with a steering wheel in VR. I also had a great time in Skyrim VR! I also love to watch movies when I'm in bed in Oculus Cinema. It's hard to beat that, feels just like you're in a cinema if you don't mind the low resolution. But the latter was never a problem for me.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Errorist76 said:

You’re going to wait a long time then. VR requires a considerable extra amount of work.

Sounds like something that's holding back gaming then. 

Quit the flaming. It’s actually quite the’s the first legit step forward in gaming since vector graphics introduced the third dimension. Many publishers and developers are hesitant because it requires a considerable amount of work for them...they basically need to learn everything from zero again, because the old rules don’t apply the market is still very small and hard to advertise, which makes it risky from a business perspective. 

Luckily adoption rate (game sales per headset sold) are extraordinarily high...I've never bought as much software as I did for my more and more developers are warming up to it.

I never understood your kind of if VR would steal something from you, your hobby, your traditional way of gaming, when in reality it just adds another exciting prospect, the idea to finally BE in the game world or character instead of just watching it happen in front of your eyes.