I given up Splatoon 3 so I'm considering getting Soul Hackers
Question is I love Persona with passion, but had mixed reactions to SMT 5. Press turn combat is great and imo better than Persona and MP management is much more lenient in SMT too. The game has a much more open spaces, meaning it focus on exploring instead of tight gaming design, which is fine as I appreciate both dungeons and exploration. The setting is also very atmospheric, which is nice and the OST (although nowhere near Persona level) is decent.
The problems are SMT 5 has a very boring and dull story, repetitive gameplay dynamics and maps. It's basically wasteland after wasteland with only combats and eventual side quests that aren't fun to being with. So you spend 60 hours in a desert capturing Pokedemons and fusing them and that's it. A JRPG without a good story, characters and is soulless for me, but really the dull wastelands were the worst for me, must be the least visually appealing game I've played in a while and made me completely uninterested in exploration because... what's there to explore in first place?
I want to know how Soul Hackers plays compared to the other two.