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There's a huge difference between between the remake and the original. Actually in game, even more so.

Last edited by hinch - on 09 June 2022

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gtotheunit91 said:
DonFerrari said:

Haven`t heard the 10M sales, source?

Neil Druckmann announced it at the SGF

Gotcha, thanks. I watched the interview but wasn't full attention on what he was talking.

PotentHerbs said:
DonFerrari said:

Haven`t heard the 10M sales, source?

Right from Neil Druckmann during Summer Games Fest. Might be a blog post too confirming it. 


Darashiva said:

The Last of Us remake looks good, but there's no chance I'm spending 70 euros on the game, regardless of how great I think it is.

I won't as well, will wait for it to go down in price.

the-pi-guy said:
twintail said:

And some of you didn't believe!

Enemies of PS you are!!!!!

On a side note: YES! Can't wait for the trailer in a couple hours,!

Someone is reading a lot of Era. 

Otter said:

The TLOU stand alone multiplayer is not getting shown til next year according to Druckman, so what are the 2 online games Sony is die to launch this fiscal year? Very curious

Well technically it could still be it.  

The fiscal year ends in March, so maybe they will show more early in the year. But probably not.  

Very curious then. 

I've been impressed that Sony still has secrets up their sleeves. Didn't expect Spiderman to PC, two secret live service games yet to come. 

If the game was to be released before March 2023 I think it would have showed more than the concept art on the reveal with like less than 9 months to release.

Kyuu said:

Looks closer to a "Remakester" in the vein of Bluepoint stuff than a true complete remake, which I'm not complaining about as that would have cost more and taken forever. Should have been a $60 game max with a $30~ upgrade path for TloU Remastered owners but oh well...

I knew it was in the making but I was expecting it to release alongside the HBO series.

The first Factions was a hell of a competitive game. Fingers crossed for the full fledged and hopefully better balanced sequel! I wouldn't mind waiting til 2024. This year seems super packed for Playstation. I can now see why Sony thought they could break their record year in hardware sales.

It is a remake, you are thinking more like a reboot like game.

From what was told on the event they even changed the mechanics of the game (likely to be closer to TLOU Part 2)

the-pi-guy said:

Good grog this guy.

How to pretend that you have the information but just didn't had time to correct his previous "insider info".

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

BasilZero said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Very likely there will be a tease for Part 2.

It's about time!

At this rate the last Part of the FF7-remake will launch on PS7.

The Snitch leaked another game on his Twitter for the Xbox showcase in case anyone is interested.

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Ugh, I don't wanna get too embroiled in the conversation over on the Xbox Showcase thread (because I didn't like the presentation at all and around here that'll just make everyone dogpile me), so I gotta ask y'all what you thought. Am I wrong here? Was that actually a good presentation and I'm just missing something?

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Runa216 said:

Ugh, I don't wanna get too embroiled in the conversation over on the Xbox Showcase thread (because I didn't like the presentation at all and around here that'll just make everyone dogpile me), so I gotta ask y'all what you thought. Am I wrong here? Was that actually a good presentation and I'm just missing something?

It was merely okay. There was a lot of lul moments in there with a lot of filler. And only one new big announcement, that was Forza Motorsport.. which was pretty much it.  Maybe a better conference for people who are more invested in Xbox and its games/services.

Think what was missing is that there wasn't a wow factor, in it apart from Starfield, and the sheer scope of it. Last year was MUCH better overall. A little disappointing truth be told, I suppose that's the way 2022 has been going in regards to games releases; well maybe apart from the excellent Elden Ring. Thanks evil plague. On a plus side there was a lot more in-game stuff and gameplay and less CGI trailers.

But yeah only Starfield and Diablo IV for me. The rest was meh.

Last edited by hinch - on 12 June 2022

I just caught the trailers and announcements after the stream (same with SoP). I thought it was decent but I enjoyed SoP more. Getting the Persona games on XB/PC was cool. Forza looks good as usual. I'm not nearly as hyped for Starfield as a lot of people seem to be, but I hope to be won over by future footage. My most anticipated out of what was shown is definitely A Plague Tale: Requiem; loved the first game and like what I'm seeing.

Atlus sent out a press release this morning confirming the Persona games for PS5 and Steam. ( No Switch though)

twintail said:
hinch said:

. And only one new big announcement, that was Forza Motorsport.. which was pretty much it.  

Forza was announced in 2020.

Ah thanks.. totally forgot they announced that.

I do think Microsoft's format is much better this year; as in showing the releases for 12 months. Barring that Kojima announcement.

Really interested to see how Sony will handle the PS Showcase. They usually shows games that come out within the next 24 months, upon first reveal. Unless they state its early in development and/or there are significant delays due to unforeseen circumstances - like a pandemic. I would bet on Spiderman 2 being there, not sure what else if GoW is getting its own SoP.