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More fixes in patch. This time, DualSense rumble fixed for PS4 games -

Yeah noticed the DS rumble being quite weak and muted for PS4 games so I reverted to DS4 for BC. Small but decent fix, can use both now

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twintail said:
Otter said:

Completely random speculation but it just dawned on me that Days Gone was potentially supposed to replace TLOU. The game was apparently in development for a long time, probably since 2013. At that time Sony may not have known whether Naughty Dog would make TLOU part 2 after Uncharted 4 or whether they'd move on to something else. Now Sony are doubling down on TLOU as a franchise it makes sense that they would want to put Bend onto a new project that is more distinct

Well production only began around 2015 apparently, and supposedly story ideas for TLoU2 began around 2013.

I think it's an interesting piece of speculation, but I think I'd disagree that this was the case.

My reasoning would be that Sony Bend are not a top tier developer within Sony. They haven't been for years, and I'd argue still aren't. Thankfully, it seems like they didn't have to lose many, if any, of their increased 100+- team while their team worked with ND as a new project began preproduction.

My honest opinion is that the only reason DG is a zombie game was purely because Zombies have wide appeal; so does being an open world game. For a small team like Bend who wanted/ needed to scale up, and who had had very little success for many years, making an open-world zombie game seems like an easier than normal endeavor to take.

I'm sure Sony would have wanted it to have long-term IP potential, but I think Sony Bend only did it because they needed it, not because Sony did. 

Interesting. If it did in fact start developement in 2015,  then that makes the comments about its development being longer than expected misplaced. 4 years  for a AAA made by a medium size team seems about right imo.

Also curious what they got up to in those years between Golden Abyss and Days Gone 

Tales Of Arise will be on PS5 10th September

Trailers :

Looking forward to it.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Returnal got some great previews ! Can't wait...

Last edited by CloudxTifa - on 22 April 2021

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CloudxTifa said:

Returnal got some great previews ! Can't wait...

Yeah I don't know what happened here. I went from actively disliking how it looked (Seemed overly simplistic and bland in its early previews, plus I hate roguelikes and procedural generation) to being mildly interested (once I found out it was more bullet-hell). but now, with its latest story trailers and expansions on its core mechanics....I'm honestly really excited for this one! Can't wait! 

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Bristow9091 said:

I haven't watched any of the recent trailers or gameplay for Returnal aside from the monster one which looked pretty cool, but knowing Housemarque it's gonna' be an amazing game anyway lol :P

oh I always figured it'd be at least 'good'...but when I saw it was one of those 'full-priced retail games', I checked out. Like, Resogun is good and all but you'd never catch me dead paying 70 bucks for it (90 in Canada). It wasn't until recently I saw that there was enough content and quality there to sustain a full-priced release. 

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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – Gameplay Trailer I PS5 :

Last edited by CloudxTifa - on 26 April 2021