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Forums - PC Discussion - Monthly Steam hardware survey analysis

I kinda knew Nvidia was outperforming AMD but I had no idea it was by this much, damn..

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haxxiy said:
Nvidia still has two GPUs that individually outnumber all AMD GPUs ever released since 2012. That's sad and slightly pathetic TBH.

THis makes me wonder if AMD is even going to try with their next high end releases, because they keep failing in that dept.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Valve finally added RX 5700 XT numbers. I'm not sure, if they are counting the XT and non-XT GPUs together  (like Vega 56 + 64) or separate. I guess we will find out in the next months.

Oh, the RTX 2060 Super also entered the stats, one month after the RTX 2070 Super.

Given how board manufacturers are still announcing and releasing new 5700 cards, I espect that percentage to increase in the coming months.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Last year I got a new laptop with a 1060 in it and I wasn't sure if I was too far behind in a mid-range laptop. Seems 1060 is still strong. Makes me feel better.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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I'm pretty sure the RX 5700 will surpass the max market share of the 580 in due time.

And if the rumors about that card are true, so should the 5500

Bofferbrauer2 said:
I'm pretty sure the RX 5700 will surpass the max market share of the 580 in due time.

Well, Navi gained 0.09 percent points since last month (Vega stagnated and Polaris went down 0.12 percent points).

Meanwhile Turing gained 1.68 percent points, so 18 times of the Navi gain:

GTX Pascal + GTX/RTX Turing are now over 50% in total

RX Polaris + RX Vega + RX Navi are now 5.2% in total

Last edited by Conina - on 02 December 2019

Marth said:
Do we also have a list of CPUs? I think that space is much more competetive ever since 3rd gen Ryzen

AMD gained and Intel lost 1.46 percent points since July in total.

Intel CPUs with at least 3 GHz lost 3.52 percent points since July (from 46.17% to 42.65%)

AMD CPUs with at least 3 GHz gained 1.4 percent points since July (from 14.62% to 16.02%)

6 core CPUs gained 4.44 percent points since July (from 15.00% to 19.44%)... so a gain of 30%

8 core CPUs gained 1.61 percent points since July (from 3.01% to 4.62%)... so a gain of 53%

12 core CPUs gained 0.09 percent points since July (from 0.06% to 0.15%)... so a gain of 150%

When was the last time AMD got over 20% in CPUs? Windows and Linux combined, AMD is now at 20.5% on Steam, up from 19.5% last month.

However, AMD certainly slowed down a lot in gaining market share under Windows after the first push with Zen 2.

Very strange Steam survey data this month! Biggest example:

Huge gains for the GTX 1060 in the "all video cards section" (from 15% to almost 21% within a month?) and in the "Vulcan" section (from under 30% to more than 40% within a month?), but huge losses for the same GPU in the sections "DirectX 12 systems" and "DirectX 11 systems".

Since most Steam system should be "DX 12 systems" by now (or at least "DirectX 11 systems"), the data has to be wrong, it doesn't add up.

So let's wait if they fix it until next month.