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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do they always make Kirby look so angry in American box arts?

You have to make it edgy for american consumers, the best way to give a big pink ball edge is to draw angry eyes obviously =D

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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brawl4life said:

he wasn't always angry !

oh mistery solved they stole his shortcakes thats why he mad in the us.....



So they stole his shortcake and now he's pissed forever. Damn Kirby, you scary!

Because Americans like badasses and everyone else likes pansies I guess. And Kirby is a badass.

He's one tough creampuff.

I wouldn't really call that angry, instead it appears to me that American Kirby has a look of determination, whereas Japanese Kirby's happy-go-lucky look conveys either confidence or cockiness.

Chances are it's a cultural thing as to what trait appeals more to the demographic the hero is being sold to.

iclim4 said:
makingmusic476 said:
iclim4 said:

I think it's evil.

 Looks frightening. ^^

indeed it does. ^_^


Awwwww! It's so cute! *runs over to it, and pets it several times. Come back an hour later, with a hand missing, though, doesn't seem to notice* Anyways, the reason why they make Kirby look angry is because of America's culture. Most Americans don't like happy pink gumballs. Most American GAMERS don't like happy pink gumballs, and all HARDCORE gamers don't like happy pink gumballs. So, making Kirby look angry is supposed to make him look tougher, and less like a happy pink gumball, to attract more customers.

P.S. Kirby is awesome, but Meta Knight is better.

P.S.S. Where the hell is my hand!?!?


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Maybe they try to make it "cuter" on the Japanese version so that it will attract the female demographic and since most anime characters that look like Kirby are often cute and bring comic relief.Whilst in America there is no need for that.And western audiences might find a angry "badass" Kirby more appealing that a cute little pink blob.I guess it is just the way Nintendo wants to portray Kirby in different territories.Not that he is on drugs :p

Cause kirby is one mean motherfucker!!!! He doesn't take shit from anyone!

Kirby has no reason to be Happy... every where he goes there's a monster that can kill him with just a touch...

Japan Kirby is the weird one.

4 ≈ One

yo_john117 said:
Cause kirby is one mean motherfucker!!!! He doesn't take shit from anyone!



Words Of Wisdom said:

I think the real question is why do they make him so happy in the Japanese art?

His home is repeatedly being invaded, his food stolen, his friends kidnapped or killed, and there are monsters roaming all over his land trying to kill him.  Why in the @#%% would anyone be happy in times like those?

I think the Japanese Kirby is on drugs.


Damn... you beat me to it...

4 ≈ One