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Forums - Sales Discussion - Monster Hunter World Ships 5mil!

Kirin_gaming said:

I am so overjoyed that MH is finally popular in the west.I still remember playing the first MH, it was a real bummer that everyone I knew didn't like it, so I just couldn't talk about it.I have to admit it is somewhat frustrating that now we're getting the best MH to date, and now that MH sells in the west, it is then that I just don't time to play anymore.Anyways I'm just glad people are enjoying the game, hopefully the franchise keeps growing.

Fellow OG Hunter here.

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Can't see any more monster hunter game for handheld. With the huge success capcom will only make monster hunter better from now on and switch will not be able to handle it.

Ultr said:
Ck1x said:

I tried MH and its not for me, making the graphics better still wouldn't have gotten my purchase. The grinding that is required in these games and super long monster fights is what will turn most western gamers off in the long run 

Most western gamers are playing now, having fun and are fighting super long monster fights and are grinding for better weapons and armor.

thats whats going on ^^


Also MH is about the skill. Not the grinding. Its about getting better with every hit, with every step, with every new monster you can feel your improvement.

Monster Hunter is getting the attention it deserves

I understand that this site is starting to turn into N4G, but you guys have to stop jumping down people's throats because their opinions of a game differs from yours. I've played past MH games and yes they are about skill, crafting and equipment but you obtain this stuff through grinding. Its essentially how people put hundreds of hours into these games, it certainly wasn't for the story narrative.

Also why don't people wait for a full breakdown of where these shipments went to before claiming victory over something! Unless you own stock in CAPCOM and are personally offended because you worked on these games yourselves. Many of you are going after people on here like its your 9-5...

Pinkie_pie said:
Can't see any more monster hunter game for handheld. With the huge success capcom will only make monster hunter better from now on and switch will not be able to handle it.

I think there's still a market for vanilla Monster Hunter.

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Ck1x said:
Kerotan said:

Unless Nintendo paid big bucks for exclusivity they lost a lot of money by ignoring ps3, 360 and pc. 

Why do people say stuff like this, the MH games on 3ds clearly helped fund CAPCOM transition to HD on 360/PS4 and for them to try risky new things. People quickly forget that most Japanese developers struggled immensely switching over to HD and CAPCOM wasn't immune to this and many of their franchises failed because of high development costs.

This is a legit reason I can forgive them for.. And if Nintendo paid them on top of that they would have believed it the best idea at the time. 

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Pinkie_pie said:
Can't see any more monster hunter game for handheld. With the huge success capcom will only make monster hunter better from now on and switch will not be able to handle it.

Comments like this are what's weird with the gaming community! Why is this Nintendo's fault and not CAPCOM that they didn't advance their gsmes in the MH series? CAPCOM gladly raked in cash from MH on 3ds to fund their HD products on PS3/360, I couldn't have been the only person that watched this happen. It was a safe bet for CAPCOM and that's why they did it

JRPGfan said:
tbone51 said:

Maybe your referring to iapan?


Some people where predicting 2-3m lifetime sales.


collint0101 said:
I'm thinking 2 million on PS4, less than 500k on xb1 and PC is the wild card. Either way I kinda doubt it will beat mh4


Shiken said:

2 mil PS4
.5 mil XB1
.5 mil PC
Calling it now. It won't flop, but it will fail to meet expectations.


adisababa said:
This franchise has no appeal in the west, the amount of people overestimating the success of this game is wayyy too high.

..... snippet cut out.....

The PS4 owners, for the most part, will buy the game but it will reach nowhere near the 5 million mark, the max it will do is 3 million (that's being generous) and a large chunk of that will be bought by the Japanese owners.

Final verdict:
PS4: 2.5 million
Xbox One: 0.7 million
PC: 0.1 million


Metroid33slayer said:
3.5million across all platforms is realistic.


Medisti said:
That said, I don't think it will get that high. 2-3 million is my estimate.

When you're wrong, you're wrong. But do I really have to eat crow when I made it very clear I was just guessing? Crow tastes yucky

Kyuu said:
collint0101 said:
The Sony fanbase itself makes this feel way more bittersweet than it should. It's great monster hunter finally hit mainstream success in the west but I'm not looking forward to hardcore PlayStation fanboys acting like they're the savior of some unknown underappreciated niche series

That's hilarious coming from you The guy who was all like:

"Waaah, we Nintendo gamers popularize the franchise and Capcom back-stabbed us! waaah"

"I hope this casualized shit fails. I predict 1.5-2 million."

"Evil Sony paid greedy Capcom to keep it off Switch! The butthurt leaker said so!"


Have some shame and bless us with your silence.

I expected numbers similar to other hardcore Japanese series like nier, persona, souls, ect simple as that. I had never expected this series to blow up on other platforms while a lot of other similar series rarely pass 3 million

I'm more surprised as I haven't seen anyone talk about this game. It's been radio silence from what I've seen. Maybe it was popular on Twitch?

Also, maybe people will finally stop believe that Capcom will go bankrupt.

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                              collint0101 said:


      Kyuu said: 

    That's hilarious coming from you The guy who was all like: "Waaah, we Nintendo gamers popularize the franchise and Capcom back-stabbed us! waaah" "I hope this casualized shit fails. I predict 1.5-2 million." "Evil Sony paid greedy Capcom to keep it off Switch! The butthurt leaker said so!"  

  Have some shame and bless us with your silence. I expected numbers similar to other hardcore Japanese series like nier, persona, souls, ect simple as that. I had never expected this series to blow up on other platforms while a lot of other similar series rarely pass 3 million





monster hunter is different. just look at smt and bayonetta. those only sell 500k-1m on nintendo systems compare to monster hunter 4m+.