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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the 360 in trouble?

BengaBenga said:

Personally I feel that every single copy of GTA4 sold for 360 is an absolute victory for Microsoft. It's a slap in the face for Sony. It also prevents Sony from an extreme boost in console sales. I think without a 360 GTA4 version PS3 could have seen at least 2 million extra consoles sold.

I think it's way too dramatic to assume that the 360 could be dead by Jan 2009. Even when hardware sales decline dramatically (there's no sign to that, currently the track higher than last year) the software sales are heroic.

Like I said above, Microsoft doesn't need to beat the PS3 to be successful.

Yes but the PS3 has to beat the 360 to be successful!

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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Goddbless said:
BengaBenga said:

Personally I feel that every single copy of GTA4 sold for 360 is an absolute victory for Microsoft. It's a slap in the face for Sony. It also prevents Sony from an extreme boost in console sales. I think without a 360 GTA4 version PS3 could have seen at least 2 million extra consoles sold.

I think it's way too dramatic to assume that the 360 could be dead by Jan 2009. Even when hardware sales decline dramatically (there's no sign to that, currently the track higher than last year) the software sales are heroic.

Like I said above, Microsoft doesn't need to beat the PS3 to be successful.

Yes but the PS3 has to beat the PS3 to be successful!

huh? what does it take for the PS3 to beat the PS3? It'll always end up as a tie in terms of sales.

^ He must of meant PS3 would only beating the PS2. The PS3 could sell over 100 million hardware by the end of its life

EaglesEye379 said:
Ail said:

Things is the PS3 has been outselling the 360 and steadily increasing the amount by which it outsells it WITHOUT any exclusive AAA out. That's when you realize how bad things are becoming for Microsoft....

2008, in more ways than others is going to be the turning point of this generation....

It is however not doing so bad that it is a failure but it is at risk of missing to capitalize on the second half of this gen on hardware ( when companies actually start to make a profit on the hardware, usually only the gen winner, maybe the top 2 company this gen) ,

Based on your generous to PS3 prediction: End of Year marketshare prediction : Wii 45%, Xbox360 30%, PS3 25%, I have worked out a scenario for that.

And that is 360 will reach 26m (+10m from last year) and PS3 will reach 22m (+13m from last year). Even if this happens and the gap is cut to 3.5m, how can you say MS didnt capitalise on HW? If 10m a year is still not capitalising on HW then I dont know what is.

I think this is all because the PS3 is doing so much better than it was doing last year. If you compare it to how well the PS3 should have been doing from the start it's not impressive at all, it's actually sad. The other thing is the PS3 isn't outselling the 360 by much at the moment but yet all these people expect it to pass or get within 2 million of the 360 by the end of the year. It still hasn't passed the 360 in Others yet and although it's been outselling it since last year. All you people are doing is showing how bad the PS3 was doing last year when one game was going to start "Teh Sony Dominashun!"

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Goddbless said:
BengaBenga said:

Personally I feel that every single copy of GTA4 sold for 360 is an absolute victory for Microsoft. It's a slap in the face for Sony. It also prevents Sony from an extreme boost in console sales. I think without a 360 GTA4 version PS3 could have seen at least 2 million extra consoles sold.

I think it's way too dramatic to assume that the 360 could be dead by Jan 2009. Even when hardware sales decline dramatically (there's no sign to that, currently the track higher than last year) the software sales are heroic.

Like I said above, Microsoft doesn't need to beat the PS3 to be successful.

Yes but the PS3 has to beat the 360 to be successful!

 Even if the PS3 passes the 360, it won't be successful because it will never catch the Wii and it will never have the sales or market share of the PS2 or PS1 for that matter.

@Rock On, are you serious. The PS3 is not going to sell 100 million consoles generation. The only place were the PS3 may be able to match the PS2 or PS1 is Europe. It won't be as successful in Japan. It may sell 6 or 7 million consoles there lifetime if they are lucky. Its not going to sell 40 million plus consoles in the US either. Where are you getting this 100 million estimation from, I'm curious. 

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^Both PSX and PS2 sold over 100 million in their console generations. PS3 will definitely sell over 100 million hardware when its finished in 8 years time.


Fable 2 and Banjo-Kazooie 3 will sell well but are not system sellers. On the other hand the PS3 has a large amount of system seller AAA titles due out in 2008 including GT 5:Prologue, MGS 4, GTA 4, Resistance 2, SOCOM:Confrontation, White Knight Chronicles and Kill Zone 2.

no I don't agree completely

I don't see why WKC and Killzone 2 will sell systems.
It aren't big fanchises at all. On the contrary, Killzone 1 rather sucked than was good.

WKC is unknown.

Resistence 2 is not an oustanding shooter like Halo, Half-Life or CoD4,
and although probably real good, it won't bring anything real new to this gens supreme FPS line-up.

SOCOM systemseller? doubtfull

and GTAIV in that list of yours I just quoted it's multiplatform of course.

But what IS important,
is that eventhough many games aren't system sellers,
A constant flow of at least AA games is what is also very important for a console to succeed.

A constant flow of AA games besides the AAA titles, and diversity of genres.

That's what's important.


it aint over till the fat lady sings xbox rox





As an ex-industry insider, I can only say that Sony NEVER planned stuff on short term. They looked ahead to this console generation and the next.

While MS was bussy getting its shoddy 360 out of the door, and paying through the nose for exclusives (HALO, PGR, Fable, all the Rare stuff...), Sony was doing what it always does. Looking into technology to secure them the leadership position.

And they have done just that.
With blu-ray and Cell, their PS3 has a longer life cycle and there's more room for improvement in games (from a technical point of view). But on top of that, they partly OWN blu-ray, so with it being the new format for the next 5 to 7 years, Microsoft wil HAVE to use it in their next console. Which means:

Every Xbox 720 (or whatever it'll be called) sold will mean royalties for Sony
Every Xbox 720 game sold will mean royalties for Sony
Every blu-ray movie an Xbox 720 user buys will be royalties for Sony.
And then I'm not even talking about convincing the consumer that your new hardware is trustworthy, and you'll beat Sony and Nintendo in round 3.

So they can use all that money turning up the heat on MS, by buying even more studios, and advertising even more.

Xbox came in second.
Xbox 360 will come in third
Xbox 720 has little chance for survival

Sony has won that war. And believe me, the Sony corporate guys knew it, the minute Toshiba backed out of the HD-DVD business.

The real battle is Sony vs Nintendo, and that's a scene where they both can do what they do best. Sony wowing us with technology, Nintendo wowing us with sheer fun and gameplay.

I don't get this thread. what do you mean by trouble?
Losing money? (I thought Microsoft was making money now)
Not selling games?
RROD still a major problem?
Selling less than last year?
Selling less than the original Xbox?
Losing market share? (It did start this generation with 100% share)
No more exclusive games?
No AAA games coming out in near future?

I don't think 360 is in trouble at all.
PS3 and Wii are selling very well - good for all of them.
Don't be so concerned for 360 - they are here to stay.