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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VR is not a gimmick!

Chazore said:
Ka-pi96 said:

It wouldn't make me not buy a console, no. It certainly doesn't make it attractive though. And no, I don't own a Switch. I have no plans to buy one in the foreseeable future either, but it's definitely not something I'd rule out, especially after Pokemon releases.

And at least my comments about VR aren't arrogantly stating things like "this is how games are meant to be played". No, those of us who aren't using VR aren't playing games wrong. Games are meant to be played in whatever way people want to play them. If you only ever want to play them in VR, fine have fun, that doesn't make it true for anyone else though.

Yeah, I find that notion to being a highly arrogant one. It's not even close to "how games are objectively meant to be played", not by a country mile, because not everyone on this planet loves or even wants to use VR and there are 7+ billion of us, with only a few million VR sales.

I find AR to be more interesting than VR, especially considering the price and what that tech can do.


Look at this majestic shit right here:

(09:30 for the AR)


That's a whole new level of AR for me and it blew my mind seeing it happen. All in real time and during daylight.


 I said years ago that AR would be better.

That was amazing and better than anything I have  seen in VR.   If you have anything else similar please post it. 

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konnichiwa said:

Well I love VR but it's nothing new and it is still not has a mass appeal.

I know I am probably one of the older guys but I played VR games in the 90's but people forgot about it because it is always a repeat of the same issues.

Vr helmets  release => the biggest newest games it can't handle so people play demo's or not so demanding games => people hope the next helmets get cheaper => sometimes they get cheaper but again games get more demanding so people end up playing less demanding games. 

The gap is getting smaller but I hope this time it will not end up being a gimmick.

That is about to change with foveated rendering. The higher the resolution gets, the less demanding VR games are going to be compared to full screen games. When pupil tracking becomes reliable and cheap enough you only have to render a few degrees of the fov at the highest resolution. NVidea is doing a lot of research on this in how to make it fit natural vision as well as possible. A native 4K game on a screen will be more demanding than the same game on a 4K VR headset once it all works.

Anyway the gap is already a lot closer than in the 90's.

Nogamez said:
Errorist76 said:
I’d actually bet 10 minutes in Skyrim and Dirt Rally VR would be enough to convince 90% of the doubters here. If the ability to actually BE in a game instead of just watching it is a gimmick, then it’s the f’in best gimmick ever.

Well i must be that 10% then. I sold mine. Seeing guns and torches floating a few feet in front of me and holding a controller whilst inside a helmet connected to 5 million cables whilst sat down on a chair doesnt really convince me im there. At first i was blown away but then it just got boring quick and a major hassle to get out/put away

That’s fine. Didn’t you just state you had basically only tried two good games though?!

Vasto said:
Years later and its still not a Now thing.

Its not a gimmick, its just not ready yet.

Vasto, we all know if it was available on XBox you’d herald it as the second coming of Christ.

Errorist76 said:
Vasto said:
Years later and its still not a Now thing.

Its not a gimmick, its just not ready yet.

Vasto, we all know if it was available on XBox you’d herald it as the second coming of Christ.


If I wanted VR I would have it on PC. That is where the best VR experience is right now. 


Its still not ready yet though. 

Last edited by Vasto - on 22 January 2018

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Vasto said:
Errorist76 said:

Vasto, we all know if it was available on XBox you’d herald it as the second coming of Christ.


If I wanted VR I would have it on PC. That is where the best VR experience is right now. 


Its still not ready yet though. 

Seems pretty ready to me. I guess you didn’t start gaming before fullHD was possible either..

Errorist76 said:
Nogamez said:

Well i must be that 10% then. I sold mine. Seeing guns and torches floating a few feet in front of me and holding a controller whilst inside a helmet connected to 5 million cables whilst sat down on a chair doesnt really convince me im there. At first i was blown away but then it just got boring quick and a major hassle to get out/put away

That’s fine. Didn’t you just state you had basically only tried two good games though?!

Well that was problem really. I bought one launch day (psvr) and yeah they just didnt launch any games for ages. Rush of blood was cool and RE7 but yeah RE7 and the horror game with yellow dress woman cant remember its name, they made me feel sick.

halil23 said:
Vasto said:

 I said years ago that AR would be better.

That was amazing and better than anything I have  seen in VR.   If you have anything else similar please post it. 

Since the topic is about gaming, something that you guys seem to forget.

AR in gaming = gimmick, so little you can do in a room

VR in gaming = not a gimmick, all first person games is far superior in VR. You need to see it to believe, something that some posters in this thread afraid to try.


AR might be ok outside of gaming if lucky...


I don't think either one is a gimmick but if you like VR then that is great but for me  I am more interested in the future of AR.

Like I said before that video of that dragon flying through an entire stadium filled with people all happening in the REAL world blows me away.  I am watching both VR and AR but right now AR is much more exciting. 


Last edited by Vasto - on 22 January 2018

Errorist76 said:
Vasto said:


If I wanted VR I would have it on PC. That is where the best VR experience is right now. 


Its still not ready yet though. 

Seems pretty ready to me. I guess you didn’t start gaming before fullHD was possible either..

If its ready for you that's cool.

Have fun with it.


My first console was the Atari 2600 and I am not talking retro. I got it at release. 

It's only a gimmick right now because software has not caught up to the tech.  There will come a day when we only game in VR.