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halil23 said:
Vasto said:

 I said years ago that AR would be better.

That was amazing and better than anything I have  seen in VR.   If you have anything else similar please post it. 

Since the topic is about gaming, something that you guys seem to forget.

AR in gaming = gimmick, so little you can do in a room

VR in gaming = not a gimmick, all first person games is far superior in VR. You need to see it to believe, something that some posters in this thread afraid to try.


AR might be ok outside of gaming if lucky...


I don't think either one is a gimmick but if you like VR then that is great but for me  I am more interested in the future of AR.

Like I said before that video of that dragon flying through an entire stadium filled with people all happening in the REAL world blows me away.  I am watching both VR and AR but right now AR is much more exciting. 


Last edited by Vasto - on 22 January 2018