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Chazore said:
Ka-pi96 said:

It wouldn't make me not buy a console, no. It certainly doesn't make it attractive though. And no, I don't own a Switch. I have no plans to buy one in the foreseeable future either, but it's definitely not something I'd rule out, especially after Pokemon releases.

And at least my comments about VR aren't arrogantly stating things like "this is how games are meant to be played". No, those of us who aren't using VR aren't playing games wrong. Games are meant to be played in whatever way people want to play them. If you only ever want to play them in VR, fine have fun, that doesn't make it true for anyone else though.

Yeah, I find that notion to being a highly arrogant one. It's not even close to "how games are objectively meant to be played", not by a country mile, because not everyone on this planet loves or even wants to use VR and there are 7+ billion of us, with only a few million VR sales.

I find AR to be more interesting than VR, especially considering the price and what that tech can do.


Look at this majestic shit right here:

(09:30 for the AR)


That's a whole new level of AR for me and it blew my mind seeing it happen. All in real time and during daylight.


 I said years ago that AR would be better.

That was amazing and better than anything I have  seen in VR.   If you have anything else similar please post it.