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konnichiwa said:

Well I love VR but it's nothing new and it is still not has a mass appeal.

I know I am probably one of the older guys but I played VR games in the 90's but people forgot about it because it is always a repeat of the same issues.

Vr helmets  release => the biggest newest games it can't handle so people play demo's or not so demanding games => people hope the next helmets get cheaper => sometimes they get cheaper but again games get more demanding so people end up playing less demanding games. 

The gap is getting smaller but I hope this time it will not end up being a gimmick.

That is about to change with foveated rendering. The higher the resolution gets, the less demanding VR games are going to be compared to full screen games. When pupil tracking becomes reliable and cheap enough you only have to render a few degrees of the fov at the highest resolution. NVidea is doing a lot of research on this in how to make it fit natural vision as well as possible. A native 4K game on a screen will be more demanding than the same game on a 4K VR headset once it all works.

Anyway the gap is already a lot closer than in the 90's.