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Forums - Movies & TV - Hollywood anti catholic bullshit needs to stop

epicurean said:
Ganoncrotch said:

you mean the creation days part? or the meme? but yeah when it comes to "discrediting" who is giving out the credits here? Santa fans? They are as much value as your believes to me.

The meme. It just shows a lack of knowledge on the subject.

Oh yeah, it's just a joke that one :)

but in terms of the swaying one way or another that you said goes both ways, I'm not at atheist just if there is confusion, it's not that "I believe there is not a God" I'm ... I don't know the name for it, I believe in facts, if a light whipped me up to heaven and was, check out these Angels, I would of course understand that I was wrong, but I just go by data and proof, I'm an IT guy, that's what we work in. I don't understand the Atheist strong beliefs that there isn't a God, for me it isn't a "light switch" type thing, it can't be argued to be On or Off because to me there has never been proof that the Switch on the wall is there.

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epicurean said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

No it isn't. If someone provides a God with a specific and unique definition then it can be tested.

Again, there's no reason why this argument is giving the 'necessary being' all of these traits. It's giving the being these traits just because it can. 

But even if we go ahead and say that this philosophical idea is fact, And this being of infinite power of time and space and knowledge of every atom in the universe (jeez) existed, the idea it was doing things for 9 billion years then made this rock, and waited 5 billion years to make some special monkeys and require us to have a pope and wear these special robes and rituals and can only have sex in a certain position etc etc because???? You also have to follow this or bad things will happen..

To go back to your original response this is why I show little respect to Catholicism/religion because the fact that people can read that and their bullshit meters don't go off and not see it's just a system to control people's actions just blows my mind.

What actions do you feel "The Church" is trying to control?

Not just 'The Church' but religion in general.

People in positions of power have always tried to control the lower population with threats of disobedience. Whether that be prision, hell, detention etc.

What better way of controlling people is there to say, there is a God, we have communicated with him, he has given us instructions and if you don't follow you'll burn in hell forever. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

WolfpackN64 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Why can't he move everything? Considering the concept of a necessary being has been invented for the argument, we can add any attributes we want.

Because if he did, we would not be contingent beings and there would not be a chain of causation and effect, but an endless chain of effects. That means God would move everything we do, including posting on this forum.

No, it would mean god COULD move everything we do, and chooses not to. 

See how easy it is to just make things up and keep it consistent with reality?

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

WolfpackN64 said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Self regulation of child sex abuse, good stuff.

Anyways look people have believed in adult Santa for thousands of years, I'm not going to try to change your mind over the course of a forum thread and don't jokingly suggest that if someone showed you evidence to change your mind that you would. You have faith to believe, things like this test that faith, be strong, keep believing!

I can understand the scepticism. To be honest, I've left the church for 6 years because of what happened. I have a family member who was misused by a priest. He has a mental disorder which means it took years for him to tell the whole story.

Recently, even though the case is expired, his parents were asked to a meeting with the bishop. They were offered an sincere apology and monetary compensation for the psycological aid that he had to receive. It came late, very late. But at least it goes to show they it seriously. The national catholic newspaper (run by the church) has a big "report abuse" section on the main page. They're starting to compensate for cases that have long been closed and instead of shuffeling offenders around, some are being thrown out of the church.

As you say at least it is a start, very sorry to hear about the family member of yours, tragic stuff when it comes to someone with mental disorders, would think that was very hard for them to try to understand what was going on.

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donathos said:
WolfpackN64 said:

I gave the possability for a wider interpretation not because I believe in such an interpretation. But because I actually want to give people who think otherwise space to argue along the lines of the same argument. I don't mind atheïsts, only when they bring no decent arguments to the table I start to get annoyed.

But my point is that, if you think that such an interpretation of your argument is permissible, then your argument doesn't make much of a claim -- does it? If your "necessary being" could be the Big Bang (whether that's your particular "interpretation" or not), then you haven't advanced an argument for anything that we would sensibly describe as a "god."

Really though, you've mentioned a couple of times, I think, that the Catholic Church was a force for good in the Middle Ages -- that things would have been worse otherwise -- and I'm interested in your thoughts about that.

The church acted in many ways as a mediator in many conflicts. Often banning weapons they thought cruel (usually that only delayed their use). The church kept a lot of records, including classical works in enviroments that were considered untouchable (abbeys), without which much knowledge would have been lost. Many advancements in measurement of time, philosphy and even mathematics were done by the clerus. In the cities, poor relief often only came through the church and in time of war, many people found safety in abbeys.

In the early colonial period, the church often acted to temper cruelty towards natives (something that is often overlooked). Even prompting Isabella of Span to give orders to the conquistadors to treat the natives with respect (they often didn't of course).

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Ganoncrotch said:
epicurean said:

The meme. It just shows a lack of knowledge on the subject.

Oh yeah, it's just a joke that one :)

but in terms of the swaying one way or another that you said goes both ways, I'm not at atheist just if there is confusion, it's not that "I believe there is not a God" I'm ... I don't know the name for it, I believe in facts, if a light whipped me up to heaven and was, check out these Angels, I would of course understand that I was wrong, but I just go by data and proof, I'm an IT guy, that's what we work in. I don't understand the Atheist strong beliefs that there isn't a God, for me it isn't a "light switch" type thing, it can't be argued to be On or Off because to me there has never been proof that the Switch on the wall is there.

It's all good, I enjoy a good debate - and there's a lot of things someone could question about the bible and the meme was just...laughably not one of them, I guess. :)

Even as a Christian, it is without a doubt easy to understand why people aren't. I'd be shocked to change anyone's view on a message board about video games.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

WolfpackN64 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Why can't he move everything? Considering the concept of a necessary being has been invented for the argument, we can add any attributes we want.

Because if he did, we would not be contingent beings and there would not be a chain of causation and effect, but an endless chain of effects. That means God would move everything we do, including posting on this forum.

Actually Quantum Mecahnics is probabilistic and random.  Or completely wrong (as in wouldn’t work mathematically see the  EPR experiment).  The prime mover argument doesn’t really explain anything - it is just circular reasoning.  My original interest in theology was to find the original cause.  Very sad to see this not discussed properly...

ArchangelMadzz said:
WolfpackN64 said:

Because if he did, we would not be contingent beings and there would not be a chain of causation and effect, but an endless chain of effects. That means God would move everything we do, including posting on this forum.

No, it would mean god COULD move everything we do, and chooses not to. 

See how easy it is to just make things up and keep it consistent with reality?

Indeed, he can act as a mover additionally when he wants, but his action is not necessary for our own actions directly.

ArchangelMadzz said:
epicurean said:

What actions do you feel "The Church" is trying to control?

Not just 'The Church' but religion in general.

People in positions of power have always tried to control the lower population with threats of disobedience. Whether that be prision, hell, detention etc.

What better way of controlling people is there to say, there is a God, we have communicated with him, he has given us instructions and if you don't follow you'll burn in hell forever. 

But what actions exactly, in present day, do you think religion is trying to control and for what purpose?

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

For those talking about the Big Bang - I'm interested to hear the atheist view of what caused it/how it happened. I know this is purely ideas without facts, but the idea that the universe exploded into existence from basically nothing seems very...powerful. I'd love to hear your theories.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS