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WolfpackN64 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Why can't he move everything? Considering the concept of a necessary being has been invented for the argument, we can add any attributes we want.

Because if he did, we would not be contingent beings and there would not be a chain of causation and effect, but an endless chain of effects. That means God would move everything we do, including posting on this forum.

No, it would mean god COULD move everything we do, and chooses not to. 

See how easy it is to just make things up and keep it consistent with reality?

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'