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epicurean said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

No it isn't. If someone provides a God with a specific and unique definition then it can be tested.

Again, there's no reason why this argument is giving the 'necessary being' all of these traits. It's giving the being these traits just because it can. 

But even if we go ahead and say that this philosophical idea is fact, And this being of infinite power of time and space and knowledge of every atom in the universe (jeez) existed, the idea it was doing things for 9 billion years then made this rock, and waited 5 billion years to make some special monkeys and require us to have a pope and wear these special robes and rituals and can only have sex in a certain position etc etc because???? You also have to follow this or bad things will happen..

To go back to your original response this is why I show little respect to Catholicism/religion because the fact that people can read that and their bullshit meters don't go off and not see it's just a system to control people's actions just blows my mind.

What actions do you feel "The Church" is trying to control?

Not just 'The Church' but religion in general.

People in positions of power have always tried to control the lower population with threats of disobedience. Whether that be prision, hell, detention etc.

What better way of controlling people is there to say, there is a God, we have communicated with him, he has given us instructions and if you don't follow you'll burn in hell forever. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'