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Forums - Movies & TV - The Fans Have Spoken, Last Jedi Drops A Massive 68%

JakDaSnack said:
thismeintiel said:

Wow, really? Now, keep in mind this is just 17 days. We have about one more month to go. And after this weekend, unless TLJ pulls some kind of miracle, this is when the real declines start to happen, as kids go  back to school and theaters start pulling it off of screens.

So far it has dropped ~30% down from TFA. That will grow, but even if it holds, this movie will end up at $1.4B. Sounds nice. Till you realize it's $600M+ down from the first. That's alot of lost revenue.  And personally, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up $650M-$700M down. There's no way Disney planned on this outcome.  The execs and investors probably aren't very happy. 

And watch, they'll try and fix all the complaints with the 3rd film, in an attempt to make that gap not happen again. But, it'll be a little too late and will most likely end with a muddled mess of a movie. Unless they try to act like TLJ never happened.

So, failure? No. It'll make its budget and marketing back. Huge disappointment? Absolutely. 

Hyperbole much?  Every middle movie in a Star Wars trilogy has been down 30%, so nothing unexpected, TLJ will also be like the 4th fastest movie to reach 1 billion(lol at huge disappointment).  Critics, fans, and Disney all loved the movie. 

Nothing unusual to see here.  

So far, I've seen that fans are divided over The Last Jedi.

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Mr.GameCrazy said:
JakDaSnack said:

Hyperbole much?  Every middle movie in a Star Wars trilogy has been down 30%, so nothing unexpected, TLJ will also be like the 4th fastest movie to reach 1 billion(lol at huge disappointment).  Critics, fans, and Disney all loved the movie. 

Nothing unusual to see here.  

So far, I've seen that fans are divided over The Last Jedi.

Granted you could say that for every one of the last six Star Wars movies. 

All three prequels caused a massive divide, TFA had people who said it was too derivative of ANH, Rogue One had a sloppy first half and too much fan service according to some, TLJ takes too many risks that alienate some of the audience. 

Even going back to ROTJ, you could say Ewoks alienated a big chunk of fans. So really nothing since Empire has made them happy and even Empire, a lot of people at the time didn't like it being a darker/more depressing movie versus the feel good original Star Wars. 

Did people expect this to match TFA at the box office? Yikes.

Soundwave said:

TLJ will hit a billion WW on Saturday it looks like, that would make it the fastest to a billion after TFA, Furious 7, and Jurassic World.

So it'll hit a billion faster than any Marvel movie (yup, Avengers included).

All things considered I think Disney will be fine with it. The second Star Wars movie in a trilogy is always 30%+ down from the opening episode (ESB and AOTC both grossed far less than thieir predecessors) and TLJ also has the fact that it's the third Star Wars movie in three years, so each one is not as much of an event any more (hell we're getting another Star Wars movie in like 6 months).

Empire and Clones at least had a full three year break into between movies with no new Star Wars movies in between. 

The OG SW was in theaters for more than a year. As was pretty much every big movie, since VHS wasn't in the mainstream, yet. You wanted to watch a movie again, you had to go to the theater. It wasn't until 1982 that it was released on VHS.

The movie industry was in the process of changing to what we have today when ESB came out, which meant less time in theaters before it was put on TV and home video. It still made ~$1.3B WW, ticket price inflation adjusted. And that's without the huge foreign market we have today.

What's this movie's excuse, besides like AOTC, it isn't that good of a movie that happened to follow up a not so good movie? 

Azuren said:
JakDaSnack said:

Not understanding my comments, doesn’t make them stupid FYI.

yup, all those people she met in TFA(you’re making it quite clear you don’t understand my argument)

You missed the point of that engagement, you seem to be missing everything so no point in me elaborating.  Also they met in TFA, last I checked he didn’t like her then.

They didn’t even show her escaping lol.  Unless you count the battling the guards, and the confrontation with Kylo Ren. But they never showed her physically leaving.

Its clear you haven’t a clue what you are talking about. I think I have 4 points you failed to counter now lol.

And still, you got nothing demonstrating that she was a Mary Sue in TLJ.

Understood them. They were just some of the most ignorant comments I've seen anyone make about Star Wars.


Oh no, like I said: it's a shame all the important ones already like her.


Seemed pretty keen on training her then, too.


So she didn't escape, she was killed, and Episode 9 has a chance to not suck?


No, I think that you just keep trying to move goalposts to say she isn't a Mary Sue. "Find things that make her Mary Sue that don't originate from TFA! Ha!"


Guess what? Still a Mary Sue, because TFA still happened. Moving the goalposts to exclude TFA doesn't magically make her not a Mary Sue

Lol so were yours. Cool. Yup. Nope. Lol, if you don’t have a counter than just admit that the problem with her character was with TFA and not TLJ. If you say so lol.  Anyways, it’s been fun, I’d say we are done. But you seem hell bent on proving to everyone that she is a Mary Sue, so I’m sure I’ll bump into you again.  Till next time, peace!


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thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

TLJ will hit a billion WW on Saturday it looks like, that would make it the fastest to a billion after TFA, Furious 7, and Jurassic World.

So it'll hit a billion faster than any Marvel movie (yup, Avengers included).

All things considered I think Disney will be fine with it. The second Star Wars movie in a trilogy is always 30%+ down from the opening episode (ESB and AOTC both grossed far less than thieir predecessors) and TLJ also has the fact that it's the third Star Wars movie in three years, so each one is not as much of an event any more (hell we're getting another Star Wars movie in like 6 months).

Empire and Clones at least had a full three year break into between movies with no new Star Wars movies in between. 

The OG SW was in theaters for more than a year. As was pretty much every big movie, since VHS wasn't in the mainstream, yet. You wanted to watch a movie again, you had to go to the theater. It wasn't until 1982 that it was released on VHS.

The movie industry was in the process of changing to what we have today when ESB came out, which meant less time in theaters before it was put on TV and home video. It still made ~$1.3B WW, ticket price inflation adjusted. And that's without the huge foreign market we have today.

What's this movie's excuse, besides like AOTC, it isn't that good of a movie that happened to followe up a not so good movie? 

It doesn't need any excuses, it's making Disney a shit-ton of money and is more of less on par for any middle Star Wars movie. 

People just don't go the middle installment as much, even for Empire which is probably the best Star Wars movie.

Just because it doesn't do everything the hardcore fanboys wanted doesn't make it a poorly made movie either, it's clearly better than any of the prequels which just had laughably poor acting, writing, cinematography, etc. To be honest too, sure they could've done the standard thing with Luke Skywalker and make him a wise old Jedi master that quickly relents and trains Rey, and the fanboys would've gotten their little lightsaber boners ... but we've seen that movie already with Alec Guiness.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017

Mr.GameCrazy said:
JakDaSnack said:

Hyperbole much?  Every middle movie in a Star Wars trilogy has been down 30%, so nothing unexpected, TLJ will also be like the 4th fastest movie to reach 1 billion(lol at huge disappointment).  Critics, fans, and Disney all loved the movie. 

Nothing unusual to see here.  

So far, I've seen that fans are divided over The Last Jedi.

It’s a vocal minority that don’t like TLJ.  


Soundwave said:
thismeintiel said:

The OG SW was in theaters for more than a year. As was pretty much every big movie, since VHS wasn't in the mainstream, yet. You wanted to watch a movie again, you had to go to the theater. It wasn't until 1982 that it was released on VHS.

The movie industry was in the process of changing to what we have today when ESB came out, which meant less time in theaters before it was put on TV and home video. It still made ~$1.3B WW, ticket price inflation adjusted. And that's without the huge foreign market we have today.

What's this movie's excuse, besides like AOTC, it isn't that good of a movie that happened to followe up a not so good movie? 

It doesn't need any excuses, it's making Disney a shit-ton of money and is more of less on par for any middle Star Wars movie. 

People just don't go the middle installment as much, even for Empire which is probably the best Star Wars movie.

Just because it doesn't do everything the hardcore fanboys wanted doesn't make it a poorly made movie either, it's clearly better than any of the prequels which just had laughably poor acting, writing, cinematography, etc. To be honest too, sure they could've done the standard thing with Luke Skywalker and make him a wise old Jedi master that quickly relents and trains Rey, and the fanboys would've gotten their little lightsaber boners ... but we've seen that movie already with Alec Guiness. 

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

It doesn't need any excuses, it's making Disney a shit-ton of money and is more of less on par for any middle Star Wars movie. 

People just don't go the middle installment as much, even for Empire which is probably the best Star Wars movie.

Just because it doesn't do everything the hardcore fanboys wanted doesn't make it a poorly made movie either, it's clearly better than any of the prequels which just had laughably poor acting, writing, cinematography, etc. To be honest too, sure they could've done the standard thing with Luke Skywalker and make him a wise old Jedi master that quickly relents and trains Rey, and the fanboys would've gotten their little lightsaber boners ... but we've seen that movie already with Alec Guiness. 

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

Bottom line is for the previous two second entries in both trilogies, a drop of 30%+ is standard. 

Fact is by Saturday this will be the 4th fastest film in box office history to a billion dollars, besting any Marvel film or any other non-Star Wars film from Disney. 

If this is a failure, then wouldn't every Marvel film be as well? 

Bottom line is Disney made out like bandits getting Star Wars for a bargain really. They are going to make back the money they paid Lucas for this by several tens of billions once they've made 10 more of these. 

Star Wars is still the biggest movie franchise in the business. 

Goodnightmoon said:
Pavolink said:

I saw tfa awakens in the same way and after that bought on Youtube. I may get also tlj on yt when it's uploaded.


As I said to him, and agreed with you, outside of some spectacle, the scenes are the same. Script is the same and story too.

Yeah because the script is the only thing important in cinema, a thousand people working in a movie to make it look and sound incredible and at the end we only valorate the work of one of them, the one that wrote the script, because that's all what cinema is about, a story written on a piece of paper... oh wait...

Good effects are not going to save a movie. The  effects of sacrifice of tha captain are not going to save Luke's scene drinking disgusting green milk. The great effects in the set where Kylo wants to convince Rey after defeating Snoke and his guards are not going to chance the boring beggining.


It is worse than I expected. Not only you don't care for good writing. You are satisfied with great effects only. It seems that disney movies are for you.

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