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JakDaSnack said:
thismeintiel said:

Wow, really? Now, keep in mind this is just 17 days. We have about one more month to go. And after this weekend, unless TLJ pulls some kind of miracle, this is when the real declines start to happen, as kids go  back to school and theaters start pulling it off of screens.

So far it has dropped ~30% down from TFA. That will grow, but even if it holds, this movie will end up at $1.4B. Sounds nice. Till you realize it's $600M+ down from the first. That's alot of lost revenue.  And personally, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up $650M-$700M down. There's no way Disney planned on this outcome.  The execs and investors probably aren't very happy. 

And watch, they'll try and fix all the complaints with the 3rd film, in an attempt to make that gap not happen again. But, it'll be a little too late and will most likely end with a muddled mess of a movie. Unless they try to act like TLJ never happened.

So, failure? No. It'll make its budget and marketing back. Huge disappointment? Absolutely. 

Hyperbole much?  Every middle movie in a Star Wars trilogy has been down 30%, so nothing unexpected, TLJ will also be like the 4th fastest movie to reach 1 billion(lol at huge disappointment).  Critics, fans, and Disney all loved the movie. 

Nothing unusual to see here.  

So far, I've seen that fans are divided over The Last Jedi.