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Mr.GameCrazy said:
JakDaSnack said:

Hyperbole much?  Every middle movie in a Star Wars trilogy has been down 30%, so nothing unexpected, TLJ will also be like the 4th fastest movie to reach 1 billion(lol at huge disappointment).  Critics, fans, and Disney all loved the movie. 

Nothing unusual to see here.  

So far, I've seen that fans are divided over The Last Jedi.

Granted you could say that for every one of the last six Star Wars movies. 

All three prequels caused a massive divide, TFA had people who said it was too derivative of ANH, Rogue One had a sloppy first half and too much fan service according to some, TLJ takes too many risks that alienate some of the audience. 

Even going back to ROTJ, you could say Ewoks alienated a big chunk of fans. So really nothing since Empire has made them happy and even Empire, a lot of people at the time didn't like it being a darker/more depressing movie versus the feel good original Star Wars.