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Goodnightmoon said:
Pavolink said:

I saw tfa awakens in the same way and after that bought on Youtube. I may get also tlj on yt when it's uploaded.


As I said to him, and agreed with you, outside of some spectacle, the scenes are the same. Script is the same and story too.

Yeah because the script is the only thing important in cinema, a thousand people working in a movie to make it look and sound incredible and at the end we only valorate the work of one of them, the one that wrote the script, because that's all what cinema is about, a story written on a piece of paper... oh wait...

Good effects are not going to save a movie. The  effects of sacrifice of tha captain are not going to save Luke's scene drinking disgusting green milk. The great effects in the set where Kylo wants to convince Rey after defeating Snoke and his guards are not going to chance the boring beggining.


It is worse than I expected. Not only you don't care for good writing. You are satisfied with great effects only. It seems that disney movies are for you.

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