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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Skyrim or Xenoblade?

If you never played Skyrim before, I highly recommend getting the Switch version! It's an awesome game imo.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Mar1217 said:
If y'all for epic music, then it's XC2 without hesitation, good story and great worlds exploration there too !

Are you sure? Skyrim has some Lord of the Rings-esque music.  Very engaging. Its good to hear that it has a good soundtrack though. 

Dude ACE matched if not upstaged the first Xenoblade and it has one of the best OST's ever in an RPG. It's a super group of gamings best composers. The first game had among many others the composer who did Guiles them in SFII. Composers from Final Fantasy, Smash Bros, and others. Mitsuda leads the group who is a legend himself.  They also hired a group of Celtic singers for some tracks, It's flat-out gorgeous.

I'm recommending Skyrim.

Not because I necessarily think it's a better choice, but because I want you to support third parties

SegataSanshiro said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Are you sure? Skyrim has some Lord of the Rings-esque music.  Very engaging. Its good to hear that it has a good soundtrack though. 

Dude ACE matched if not upstaged the first Xenoblade and it has one of the best OST's ever in an RPG. It's a super group of gamings best composers. The first game had among many others the composer who did Guiles them in SFII. Composers from Final Fantasy, Smash Bros, and others. Mitsuda leads the group who is a legend himself.  They also hired a group of Celtic singers for some tracks, It's flat-out gorgeous.

Well let's not belittle Skyrim's OST.  Mitsuda is a legend and ACE is fantastic but Soule is very highly renowned in his own right.  Skyrim has truly fantastic music, as does Oblivion and Morrowind.  It's just a very different approach and style.

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 OSTs are masterful though. 

Depends if you like your games like final fantasy or more western i would say?

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Bristow9091 said:
Luke888 said:
Xenoblade Chronciles 2 ! The story, soundtrack and combat system are AMAZING

Got any examples for the soundtrack? I love videogame music and the soundtrack of a game is a huge selling point to me


Since they've already linked some of the other tracks I'd like to focus on the tracks that change depending on what's going on in the world, these two tracks can be heard in the same area depending if it's daytime or nighttime and they obviously share similarities, yet they both have a distinct feeling and depending on your experience they can be really impactful: for instance you might walk through this area for the first time only during daytime and make it to the next one, only to play another 2/3 hours and then  going back to the same area at night and finding a brand new track that has ties to what you heard before.

And don't get me started on the tracks that have singing, by far my favourites thus far (I'm "only" 45 hours in), if you wan't a glimpse of it try listening without watching the Story Trailer for the game (the spoilers are only for the first 30ish hours of the game but still you really don't want to spoil this amazing story)

Nogamez said:
Depends if you like your games like final fantasy or more western i would say?

Xenoblade setting is closer to Phantasy Star than Final Fantasy traditionally. Tho I would say they are pretty unique as well as they mainly (not X) take place on massive Titans. 2 in 1 and multiple in 2. In 2 they act like big islands and a little bit Skies of Arcadia in that regard.

I suggest you Xenoblade chronicles 2. I'm 35 hours in and i'm not even at half game. It's huge and wonderful. Plus i can see the price of skyrim being cut pretty soon becuase it's available pratically everywhere so no one will decide to pick it up full price when it's available for much less on a lot of different platforms, but this is only my opinion.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2, no question

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
SegataSanshiro said:
Xenoblade 2. Massive imaginative COLORFUL worlds. Great combat and a very well told story. Monolith are the ones that designed the world of BotW.

Nope nope nope nope 

I agreed in the first 2 hours of the game but now nahhhhh


OP: Get Xenoblade 2 because it's something you can only get on Switch, plus when it really gets going I think it's the most pure fun you can have on the system.

Did you finish the game?