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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Skyrim or Xenoblade?

Wyrdness said:

also get going doesn't mean the game isn't entertaining.

Yes it does, we are talking about my personal take on the game, i played for 15-20 hours and was not entertained and for me that is way too long for a game to "get good", nobody else's opinion on the game matters because we are specifically talking about why I did not like it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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If mods were available I'd say Skyrim in a landslide... Having had both on the Switch I will say that I put well north of 100 hours into Skyrim (I hadn't played it in about half a decade though) and got bored of Xenoblade 2 after about 30 (it felt like it took ages for the game to really get started and I just wanted to be let off the damn leash at some point), but from what I understand I'm more the exception than the norm for that game (though I imagine that's because most who bought it are really into JRPGs).

Really, one is very much a slightly more linear (but not nearly as linear as many of the genre) JRPG and the other is very much a western open world RPG where you can damn near ignore the main questline for ages (which I did). Whichever appeals to you more, go for it. 

killeryoshis said:
I am surprised that someone prefers Xenoblade X over Xenoblade 2. That is kinda rare. 

Well, I don't think it can't be that kind of rare. That being said, yeah, X is definitely my favorite Xenoblade game, it probably has everything I ever wished to appear in a video game. Too bad I don't have my Wii Us right now and can't play it again. Should do it right now, while the squad missions are still available. 

Now, between Xenoblade 2 and Skyrim... Skyrim, no contest, it's the better game and by a lindslide. However, there's a lot of charm in Xenoblade 2, but you'll likely need to get over a good bunch of things, mainly 2's atrocious sound design, the overwhelming mechanics, a rather poor technical display, the divisive art style, the weak cinematic direction, poor narrative, and so on. Regardless, it's still one hell of a game, one of the very few ones that are worth it on Switch right one (well, among those ones I currently own, it's one of the two). 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Wyrdness said:
zorg1000 said:

Apples to apples, they are both forms of entertainment and shouldnt take such a long time to be entertaining.

Apples to oranges as entertainment is a very broad spectrum vague similarities don't make them the same, you may as well compare a car to a plane because they're both modes of transport, also get going doesn't mean the game isn't entertaining.

Stop defending Xenoblade and accept that other people have an opinion different than you. 

I put WAY more than 30 hours in the game and I still think it was atrocious with how it managed tutorials. You are free to disagree with that, but to keep arguing to the ends of oblivion to try and push a game onto someone isn't right . Zorg gave it a try , stop berating him to continue. Suggesting it in a friendly manor is fine, but this is just a bit far.

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 03 April 2018

I'm mostly surprised that you have only just played Skyrim for the first time now. The combat really put me off Skyrim, I'd also give Xenoblade 2 another try.

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zorg1000 said:
Update: I have bought both games.

I got Xenoblade first......and i just cant get into it. I absolutely loved Xenoblade X and put like 70-80 hours into it but i just havent found 2 to be nearly as fun, i got about 15 hours in and kinda felt like i was forcing myself to keep playing.

I decided to get Skyrim a few weeks later, im about 35 hours in and i cant put it down, its gotten to the point where my wife says she wishes i never got the game lol

Did you get Xenoblade digitally? If so, I feel your pain mate.

Xenoblade 2 has one hell of a story and cast of characters, better than any Elder Scroll game after Morrowind.

I am a Nintendo fanatic.

Skyrim is currently on special in the eShop, but Xeno is somewhat better imo

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Wyrdness said:

Apples to oranges as entertainment is a very broad spectrum vague similarities don't make them the same, you may as well compare a car to a plane because they're both modes of transport, also get going doesn't mean the game isn't entertaining.

Stop defending Xenoblade and accept that other people have an opinion different than you. 

I put WAY more than 30 hours in the game and I still think it was atrocious with how it managed tutorials. You are free to disagree with that, but to keep arguing to the ends of oblivion to try and push a game onto someone isn't right . Zorg gave it a try , stop berating him to continue. Suggesting it in a friendly manor is fine, but this is just a bit far.

How is that berating him berating is what you're doing here if you read above I said it's not the best design but then the isn't really much alternative in teaching the player all the mechanics, highlighting that the game opens up after chapter 3 and encouraging him to continue is nothing wrong as not only did he buy the game but many players from that point really got grabbed by the game if he still finds it not to his taste then fair enough and I'm being friendly but feel free to say so if you're looking for a conflict.

Last edited by Wyrdness - on 03 April 2018

Xenoblade 1 > Skyrim
Xenoblade X > Skyrim
Skyrim > Xenoblade 2

Seriously, all games are superb. I'm lucky to own them all. I really am digging the Switch port of Skyrim.