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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2017 NPD Thread! PS4 > XBO > Switch

RJ_Sizzle said:
KLAMarine said:

How was it the week after BF?

Units were available then as they are now. Not that it meant anything for Nov NPD since the deadline was the Saturday after BF. 

Noted. Thanks.

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acdcste said:

That’s fine but your saying it’s readily available. Just checked amazon US both out of stock on there till the 12th and 13th. Your “it’s easy to buy” narrative is a load of tosh my friend.

The thread is about November, my friend, in the past month switch was available all the month from amazon, with just a few out stock for a couple of hours.

Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Gamestop and many other sites had the switch available online and in store, I checked several retail stores of those one and saw healthy stock of switch.

The only "switch is still out of stock thing", it seems to be in Japan Only at the moment.

Shadow1980 said:
Did we ever get anything more accurate than "PS4 = 1.1M, XBO = 1M" for last November?

Yea in the June NPD prediction thread but I dunno if that's fake or not anymore.

It is about November NPD up till the day after black Friday. It is also US only. The Switch was well stocked everywhere. However I commend your taste in music Ste, and I've never met a Ste I couldn't't enjoy a beer with. The problem lies in knowing long term who is trustworthy around other sites and this one, for context, and being boring enough to care haha.

Okay to battle the stock comments lets get objective:
All consoles were sold at at some retailers at a certain point in November: Fact.
The PS4 Sold out on Amazon before black Friday and the Xbox One S did not until after November: Fact
The Switch was sold out on Amazon at some point in the month of November: Fact
The sales for Xbox One X include all pre order for the X from the inception of preordering: Fact

If the Switch was outsold by nearly 2:1 by XBO then it means that they never had the stock to outsell Xbox in the first place: Proven by simple math and the True statements earlier. This is because if it did sell out at some point and still was outsold so much, then there probably wasn't as many Switch's in the wild as New and Preordered Xbox Ones.

If the PS4 outsold the XBO by any amount, it means that the PS4 heavily outsold Xbox One S in November when you don't count Preorders for the X.

If the PS4 outsold the Xbox by any amount and the Xbox One outsold the Switch so much, the PS4 had WAY more stock than the Switch EVEN THOUGH it sold out.

Running out of stock is not an indication of low or high sales. If both the PS4 and Switch sold out at some point and PS4 more than doubled Switch sales, it means that there was irrefutably more PS4 on deck.

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jason1637 said:
Shadow1980 said:
Did we ever get anything more accurate than "PS4 = 1.1M, XBO = 1M" for last November?

Yea in the June NPD prediction thread but I dunno if that's fake or not anymore.

Would be interested to know what that was Jason... ?

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

750k? For a new console and with a good stock?

Thats really bad. The switch can sell as much as they want in dec. BF was in November. I am really really dissapointed.

Jaxyfoo said:

It is about November NPD up till the day after black Friday. It is also US only. The Switch was well stocked everywhere. However I commend your taste in music Ste, and I've never met a Ste I couldn't't enjoy a beer with. The problem lies in knowing long term who is trustworthy around other sites and this one, for context, and being boring enough to care haha.

like i said it's a waist of time and really the people mentioning stock issues are nintedo fanboys who are making excuses, and time you mention stock you better dmn well have done your research instead, of just using it as a excuse. 

ThisGuyFooks said:
SuperNova said:

So Ps4 won as expected, but I honestly didn't think the Xbox oneX would do this great, despite reports of it's successfull launch. I also thought Switch and Xbox would be much closer in numbers than they (probably) are.

Anyways incredible Numbers for PS4, the 199$ pricepoint really opens up a new market segment and that + 50$ giftcard was an incredible deal.
Presumably great numbers for the Xbox as well and solid numbers for Switch especially considering that it didn't get any discount (according to Zhuge it probably did 800k+).

Xbox One X *and* Xbox One S at 189$

There were plenty of deals for the S.

Actually, if im not wrong the S outsold the PS4 and Switch in the monthly sales of Amazon.

It wasn't just the X that did the work.

I assumed that the X carried the brunt of the work, simply because it's a console launch and will likely be the most requested sku, the s has been in a decline the whole year and Playstation had the better deal deal at Gamestop, so between the s and the ps4 people were likely to go for the ps4.

Then again the s did undercut the ps4 by 10$ everywhere else, I just didn't think that would impact the overall picture that much.

Pagan said:

750k? For a new console and with a good stock?

Thats really bad. The switch can sell as much as they want in dec. BF was in November. I am really really dissapointed.

Its not really bad, its not amazing but its far from bad.

First post-launch Nov NPD
Wii U-225k

It did better than everyone but Wii, PS4 and XBO.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.