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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Flilix said:

I didn't read anything about that in the rules.

Well, ok. If you want to include The Legend of Zelda: Song of Sex, be my guest  

Okay, I played the game, and I must admit, it has a better story than any other Zelda game.

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Tag. And I only added 2 from 2017 I think. Also adding a few games that should have been in my top 50 from the start that I forget to add.

Tagging, almost done with my list, I think.


Ultrashroomz said:
So, how many games from 2017 have you guys added to your list?

Around how many new games in general have you added to your list?

This is the first time I have ever done a top 50 games list before, so all of my selections will technically be new.

How many from 2017 made the cut? 10. And nope, that's not newness-inflated too much I don't think either. I have been playing video games fairly regularly since 1987 and genuinely believe that 2017 has been the best year in gaming history, at least for my taste anyway! Don't be thinking that my selections will be especially predictable though. Nearly every game on my newly-crafted top 50 list qualifies as either very indie, very old, or very obscure. And only two games from the current year made my top 10, out of which none made the top 3. (And no, just because a title is suggested by my choice of avatar doesn't mean that it actually made the list. It just means I've liked the game.)

To judge by the lists by other people here from earlier years that I've looked up so far, I suspect that mine will easily be the most unorthodox. I am looking forward to receiving many complaints. :P

Last edited by Jaicee - on 10 November 2017

mZuzek said:

Oh, how cool you are with all your unorthodoxness.

I know, right? ;) :P

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I just checked my list and about half of them are games that were not in my Top 50 last year. Probably won't include my YoY this time.

Tagging. Also, listing Honorable Mentions...

Honorable Mentions: (I still need to 100% these games.)

Persona 5
Suikoden II
Fire Emblem Awakening

Metroid Samus Returns (3DS)

Hollow Knight

Stardew Valley

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 10 November 2017


Ka-pi96 said:
Since people are still working on their lists and such I think now's a good time to mention that anybody who includes a musou game in their list gets a from me

This is why I love this thread. I wanna hear all about why you like Musou games. Hidden Gems are the best. 

Ka-pi96 said:
Since people are still working on their lists and such I think now's a good time to mention that anybody who includes a musou game in their list gets a from me

Yes, this is a good time to bring up expectations and likes and dislikes. So i'll just say it now. Anyone who has a Pokemon game in their list gets a double thumbs down