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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - In terms of Indies, Nintendo's support is best this year

Lawlight said:
I think this is a perception thing because more articles/topics are made about indie games coming to the Switch. This could also correlate to Sony not promoting indies during their conferences anymore.

Even though I do think its mainly because the Switch is indeed getting a fantastic support by the indie developers, I wont deny there is alot of "fanfare" in the news and article websites when a game for Nintendo is announced, much like when the PS4 and XOne launched.

The last part is just rubbish.Sony was promoting heavily indies in the first two years of the PS4 because they didnt have enough big third party and first party titles to fill the conferences or the months.So the indies, like No Mans Sky, were there to fill that void.Now Sony doesnt have that problem anymore, thats why they are not covering them during their main conferences, or at least putting them on the spotlight.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Nautilus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Hey I love Switch as much as the next guy, but I don't think its library of indie games approaches those of PC or PS4. There are many more available in other ecosystems.

Maybe I should have said that it got more support in the timeframe that the Switch has been out.As I said, its hard to rival PC because basically every single indie develops for it since its cheaper and easier, but I feel like the Switch is ahead of PS4 for the support in this year.Its just not ahead overall because the PS4 is almost 4 years on the market, so its not "fair" for Nintendo in that sense.

You know what you said "best platform" not "the most indie titles"

as i have not purchased a switch yet, but still i think i have to agree with you.... portability is a charm for indie games... best is not define as number... but for them to put more functionality to a game and eecute it well makes is a great platform for the indies... 


Veknoid_Outcast said:
Nautilus said:

Maybe I should have said that it got more support in the timeframe that the Switch has been out.As I said, its hard to rival PC because basically every single indie develops for it since its cheaper and easier, but I feel like the Switch is ahead of PS4 for the support in this year.Its just not ahead overall because the PS4 is almost 4 years on the market, so its not "fair" for Nintendo in that sense.

Even if we take March-September 2017, I still think PS4 wins out, and PC tops both. That said, there was a nice bump on Switch this month and it looks to continue into October. Maybe when Vita and 3DS support moves in earnest to Switch, the balance of power will shift. 

Fair enough.I think it just boils down to personal taste.One title that, while I wouldnt buy because I already played it on PC, I wished it came to Switch but the PS4 got it was Undertale.Personally its the one high profile indie that the PS4 has that the Switch didnt get(this year).

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Hey I love Switch as much as the next guy, but I don't think its library of indie games approaches those of PC or PS4. There are many more available in other ecosystems.

Maybe I should have said that it got more support in the timeframe that the Switch has been out.

Nautilus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Even if we take March-September 2017, I still think PS4 wins out, and PC tops both. That said, there was a nice bump on Switch this month and it looks to continue into October. Maybe when Vita and 3DS support moves in earnest to Switch, the balance of power will shift. 

Fair enough.I think it just boils down to personal taste.One title that, while I wouldnt buy because I already played it on PC, I wished it came to Switch but the PS4 got it was Undertale.Personally its the one high profile indie that the PS4 has that the Switch didnt get(this year).

Completely agree. I have a physical copy of Undertale for PS4 on order but I totally agree it would be right at home on Switch. I bet it will find its way there eventually.

For the record, I think the Switch has gotten an impressive amount of indie support in its short time on the market. I just think this conversation is a bit premature. 

Oh and thank you for the heads up on Darkest Dungeon. It's been on my wish list for a while, so I think I'll nab it on Switch :)

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Not sure..... but for it to be played on the go is a huge win!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

It is the best console for indies, but not because it has the best catalogue (At this rate it will eventually though) but because the console itself, powerful enough to run almost all of them beautifully and flexible enough to play them anywhere at any moment alone or with a friend thanks to the detachable joycons, many of them also look better on the 6.2"screen than on big TVs, is just perfect for them.

No matter how you slice it, it's the best platform for indies due to portability alone.

I think that speaking of quantity/quality the first months are impressive. But it has a long way to go to surpass PC (which I think is impossible) or PS4. But, something that Nintendo is nailing is support. They have directs focusing exclusively on Nindies. I also feel that the "news" feed the Switch has adds visibility too. I mean, I always notice when some interesting indie game is coming to the Switch once I power on my Switch, and they aren't in background compared to some AAA games. They're equal, so to speak. Also, the hardware itself is ideal for the indie scene. And, this might be controversial, but I feel that Nintendo fandom is more supportive about the indie scene in general. I mean, maybe it's just my impression, I'm not trying to offend anyone. But comments like "indie crap" or "well, they're just indie games, who cares?", comparing them sometimes with shovelware... are not common between Ninty fans. Not that I know at least. Again, that's just my impression of navigating and reading through gaming forums. I'm just theorizing in here.

BraLoD said:
Yeah, no, really, no.
PC is unmatched in the indie field because it's where most of them are built into, as it's by far the most open platform, as it's not a controlled videogames focused space, but a working tool, at its core.

And the fact the Switch is a newer platform affects greatly the, sorry for the sincerity, very limited vision you are choosing to take here to compare it to the PS4. The PS4 has a fucking lot of quality indie games, the Switch is just now getting some of those games because it didn't exist before, and getting more coverage here about some specific new ones because they seems more relevant to the Switch library than to the PS4 library because of some things as:
This is a Nintendo oriented forums, Nintendo always get more coverage here, the sheer amount of NX threads when it wasn't even a thing was stagering, for example;
The Switch library is still very limited in numbers compared to the PS4, as it's newer, so a new game represents a way bigger share of its library than what it does in the PS4, as 1 in 100 means its 1% of the library by itself and the same 1 game against 1000 represents 0,1%;
The PS4 even being older still has more releases weekly than the Switch, which means an even bigger ratio gap of the significance of a game in a group than before, feel free to open the PS Store from your PC and check the amount of indie games available to be bought there, you'll amazed, really, go and do it;
And by this fact, the Switch onwers can focus more on some selected titles easier than the PS4 owners to gather around and make them relevant, like why does a PS2 port gets so much more presence as a Vita game than it did as a PS2 game (Persona 4), because people gather around a game they find good in few they have to, as on the Vita, meanwhile it once was just another good game in a multitude of good games in such a vastly rich library, as on the PS2, so people attention gets naturally more spread than focused there.

The Switch indie support is still not really even comparable to the PS4, if it'll ever be, and it just won't ever touch the PC in that regard, so again, no, really, no.

I should have said that its better than the PS4 in the same timeframe, since its not a "fair" contest if you compare the library the PS4 has built thus far, with the PS4 being almost 4 years old.And while yes, each indie game of higher profile gets a bigger spotlight because of the Switch being a newer console and not having "many" games to market or compete attention with, you could also say that Nintendo is just plain doing a better job at promoting the indies it has than Sony, the same way that Sony gave them a bigger spotlight in the early years of the PS4.

And about the PC side of things, I think it can come close to matching it in the same timeframe.I will admit that on this one Im a bit biased because Im a console gamer, but Nintendo does have some excellent exclusive indies on its machine and makes a case against the PC, even if its a weak one.

About the site being more Nintendo oriented, I dont think thats the case.Again, with the Switch being a newer system, it does get a bigger slice of the attention than the PS4 and XOne, but honestly, the fanbase or at least admiration of Sony and Nintendo here is somewhat even, even if it tends to be a bit more Nintendo oriented.I am a fan of Sony and Nintendo for example.But that doesnt impede me from congratulating Nintendo for doing a splendid work.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.