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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create/Famitsu/Dengeki - 18th - 24th September 2017

Kerotan said:
RolStoppable said:

They don't need to, because they have stated their aspirations for the Monster Hunter series time and time again. They want to grow it, especially in the West.

The logical question is whether Monster Hunter World can offset the losses it will suffer in Japan with the gains Capcom hopes to make in the rest of the world.

It will grow their player base in the west.  A port of MHW on Switch late next year in Japan or a mh5 using world's assets will make up for any lost sales in Japan.  


Their goals will be achieved. 

By this logic why call MHXX on switch a flop/bomb? It already achieved their goals with 3ds sales and we know MHXX on switch was profitable easily.


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Valdath said:
FloatingWaffles said:

Well to be fair, if there was a deal between Nintendo for Monster Hunter exclusivity on 3DS, they payed for it to be full exclusive to their system only. Where as if the rumor is true, Sony just paid to keep the game off of one single platform but being fine with it on another (Xbox). That's sort of a big difference there which is why i'm saying that's shady as hell for Sony to do if it were true.

Also yeah Capcom is greedy as hell, I already mentioned that earlier in this thread as well. 

The thing is though that while maybe it would be a good move business-wise for Sony, getting Japan-exclusive Monster Hunter on PS4, for Capcom it's not a good deal because they just alienated their existing playerbase that made it what it was already and it's shitty for the fans who love the series too and played it on 3DS and now went to Switch. But of course with this being Capcom they immediately went for whoever gave money instead of thinking of a good business decision that appeased both ends. Yes they released Monster Hunter XX on Switch but only in Japan, they won't even localize it for the rest of the world yet. (Probably because if the rumor is true then they don't want that to release near when MHW does too). 

Well Monster Hunter fans already proved to be very royal, they jumped from PSP to 3DS with no issues, Capcom loves to shit on their fans and sales of the franchise don't seem to decrease, i doubt that when World comes out on the Switch many will actually skip it.


I also don't get how buying exclusivity or paying to keep a game from coming out on a different platform is worse, but i don't really care since i always own every Sony / Nintendo hardware so i don't miss any games.


I also happen to enjoy those exclusive deals and backstabbing, makes for great forum threads xD.

Well the reason why I think it's worse at least is because it's not like Monster Hunter World is a PS4 exclusive and that's what Sony paid for. Usually when these types of deals happen in the past it's the company paying for exclusivity to the game so it can only be found on their system.

Here Monster Hunter World is still just a multiplatform game, even if it's PS4 only in Japan it's still a multiplat in general, but instead Sony paid just to keep it off of one system then so that system's userbase can't get it, which is pretty shady not only on their part but also the fact that Capcom would apparently go along with that after all they did with Nintendo and the franchise, if the rumor is true, but again we already established that Capcom is greedy so it shouldn't really surprise anyone if it's true. Like, that's not even something I ever thought was possible to happen (as in a company paying to keep a multiplat from coming to a platform but coming to the rest of them), who would do that? 

Again that's only if the rumor is even true anyway, I doubt we'll ever know what actually happened there lol. 

But yeah I personally don't care either, I would just get the game on Steam or PS4 when it comes out if I really wanted to play it lol.

Miyamotoo said:
Pinkie_pie said:

Just last week there were switches available in an electronic store i visited. Dont know whats it called but it was huge. The building took an entire block. There was a gaming section on one of the floor. There werent any line inside or outside 

Maybe you went right in after they got their weekly shipments, but that really doesn't matter because with all reports we have (including link with report and evidances of huge lines and lotteries just 3 days ago) it's obvious they are still lotteries and that Switch is still sold out every week.



"Almost 7 months have passed since the launch of the Nintendo Switch. While it’s gradually becoming easier to find the Switch in North America and Europe, things haven’t improved much in Japan.

Every weekend, Nintendo Switch lotteries are still taking place across the country. Japanese Twitter user Kaztsu reported this morning 1388 people lined up for a Switch lottery at Bic Camera Akihabara for 100 units, and 478 people lined up for a Switch lottery at SoftMap Akihabara for 170 units.

Katzu also took a photo showing a reseller purchasing second hand Nintendo Switch units for 37,000 yen (USD330). A Nintendo Switch costs 32,378 yen (USD289) at retail, and the current resale price is 42,000 yen (USD375) on online auction sites such as Yahoo and Rakuten.

Holy shit! It looked like they were lining up for a concert!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Shikamo said:


Pocky Lover Boy! 

POKKEN TOURNAMENT DX sold less than the Wii U version, now that was unexpected

Around the Network
OTBWY said:
I hope Capcom is regretting their exclusivity deal with Sony now.

The deal where Street Fighter 5 wouldn't exist otherwise?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
OTBWY said:
I hope Capcom is regretting their exclusivity deal with Sony now.

The deal where Street Fighter 5 wouldn't exist otherwise?

It would exist, just not intill 2020 ;p

GProgrammer said:
POKKEN TOURNAMENT DX sold less than the Wii U version, now that was unexpected

As unexpected as splat2 outselling splat1 lifetime

Valdath said:
FloatingWaffles said:

That's the thing that makes it where I wouldn't be surprised if the whole rumor about Sony making a deal with Capcom to not let MHW on the Switch ended up being true. Sony is shady enough to make a deal like that, and Capcom is dumb enough to do along with a dumb deal like that.

The Xbox is no competition for anything really in Japan and Sony already doubled their numbers worldwide over Xbox so they probably don't see it as an issue for it to release on Xbox, but with the Switch they know that thing is selling amazing everywhere and dominating Japan currently and that Monster Hunter is huge on portables in Japan so the Switch version would probably destroy the PS4 version in Japan, hence why the rumor said Sony made a deal with Capcom for it not to release on Switch or something like that. 

Just a question, did Nintendo bought MH exclusivity for the 3DS? i mean there wasn't any reason not to bring it to the Vita too.

They bought MH for the Wii. Capcom cancelled Monster Hunter 3 that was in production for PS3 and started over to make Monster Hunter tri for the Wii. After that, they moved the series to Nintendo platforms.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
OTBWY said:
I hope Capcom is regretting their exclusivity deal with Sony now.

The deal where Street Fighter 5 wouldn't exist otherwise?


But on that subject, i'm sure Capcom would never make another SF game otherwise.