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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSVR sold 500k in three month period through June

WebMasterFlex said:
SvennoJ said:

Those are in the majority by far.
Only 31 games/experiences require move out of 250 listed. Although some of the TBA titles could need move. Another 37 support move next to DS4.

Thank you and I think Doom VFR will work with the DS4.

Yes, and Skyrim, RE7, GT Sport naturally. Farpoint is far better with the aim controller than DS4 though, but you can play it with DS4. It just feels weird to have a gun sticking out the controller. In RE7 the gun is in the characters hand and aims where you look, in Farpoint the DS4 is used as a motion controller to aim the gun. RE7's method feels more natural.

Control schemes are still very experimental as well. I just discoved 10 minutes ago that the solus project does support smooth rotation with the DS4. However you can't move with it, while with move you can only rotate stepwise. Since the right move controller holds the PDA (basically the hud with important info) I now put it beside me on the couch so I can see it in game, use the DS4 in my right hand for rotation, jump, duck etc. Left hand has the move controller that lets you point at and manipulate things and makes you move forward by pressing the move button. Pick up PDA when needed (it's physically there where it appears in game)
Moonshot galaxy also lets you freely swap between DS4 and move, use whatever is easier for each shot. Playing games with 3 controllers, why not :)

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Barozi said:
VR needs far more games. It's extremely under supported, just like Kinect and PS Move last gen.
Some indie games and dumbed down VR modes in other games won't do much.

Here is a table on how many games are represented at the Tokyo Game Show. At the bottom left column there are numbers for VR games.

PSVR has less than half the games as last year while Vive almost has double the number of games. PSVR get less games than PS Vita and almost as few as 3DS.

This month I got more than $1000 extra. I want to spend it on gaming and have been wanting a PSVR. Now that I seriously look att buying one I can only find a few games that I really want (Ubisofts Eagle Flight and maybe Robinson and GT Sport). To me it looks like Sony is not supporting PSVR enough for me to buy it.


EDIT: Looking at trailers from TGS I do get some interest in Moss, FFXV Monster of the Deep, Ace Combat and maybe Doom. I will probably have to get a PS Pro.

I think the point he is trying to make, from a content point of view if only PSVR does well no one will invest lots of money making games for that alone. If PC VR is successful, then there are more avenues for revenue and that helps Sony because 3rd parties will make content and port it to multiple products. This is basically why Vita died, because they couldn't or wouldn't invest that money in the product alone, it needs products that can be ported to it to provide long term quality items.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

bluedawgs said:
VAMatt said:

It is $400 with camera now, I believe.  Move controllers are available for about $75 a pair, or maybe $50 used.  There's also a $500 bundle with games.  

1. Its $400 with the camera as of a few days ago when it was announced at TGS so that factors into nothing I said

2. I paid over $600 for the PSVR Move controller and camera bundle so there's that

Why did you pay that much?

The bundle was available for 499 USD right at launch:

With games like Skyrim, Gran Turismo, Ace combat etc on the way the short term future looks bright. If Sony can cut the price this holiday it could do big numbers.

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I haven't heard a single friend mention PSVR since it came out. I did get to try one at Fry's late last year, but I wasn't impressed enough to drop the money on it, especially when I'd need the Pro for the best experience on it. Think I'll stick with my OG PS4 and Switch for now, unless a real killer app comes to the VR.

Medisti said:
I haven't heard a single friend mention PSVR since it came out. I did get to try one at Fry's late last year, but I wasn't impressed enough to drop the money on it, especially when I'd need the Pro for the best experience on it. Think I'll stick with my OG PS4 and Switch for now, unless a real killer app comes to the VR.

Honestly for most people I think it's fine to wait for gen 2. I expect we'll see PSVR 2 not long after the PS5 and should be both much improved and cheaper.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

vivster said:
You cannot complain that there is no competition on the market when you yourself completely isolate yourself from it. You were the one completely splitting the market by tethering your device to your console. So either allow other HMDs to work with PS4 or bring your HMD to PC or shut the fuck up.

There is no competition on the market because you want it so and you god damn know it.

You act like VR gaming isn't a thing on PC. FFS, PC is currently the only platform with Alien: Isolation playable in VR. 

SvennoJ said:
WebMasterFlex said:

Thank you and I think Doom VFR will work with the DS4.

Yes, and Skyrim, RE7, GT Sport naturally. Farpoint is far better with the aim controller than DS4 though, but you can play it with DS4. It just feels weird to have a gun sticking out the controller. In RE7 the gun is in the characters hand and aims where you look, in Farpoint the DS4 is used as a motion controller to aim the gun. RE7's method feels more natural.

Control schemes are still very experimental as well. I just discoved 10 minutes ago that the solus project does support smooth rotation with the DS4. However you can't move with it, while with move you can only rotate stepwise. Since the right move controller holds the PDA (basically the hud with important info) I now put it beside me on the couch so I can see it in game, use the DS4 in my right hand for rotation, jump, duck etc. Left hand has the move controller that lets you point at and manipulate things and makes you move forward by pressing the move button. Pick up PDA when needed (it's physically there where it appears in game)
Moonshot galaxy also lets you freely swap between DS4 and move, use whatever is easier for each shot. Playing games with 3 controllers, why not :)


Medisti said:
I haven't heard a single friend mention PSVR since it came out. I did get to try one at Fry's late last year, but I wasn't impressed enough to drop the money on it, especially when I'd need the Pro for the best experience on it. Think I'll stick with my OG PS4 and Switch for now, unless a real killer app comes to the VR.

I'm curious what would constitute a killer app?

I've played many already, RE7, DC, Dirt Rally, Rez Infinite, Superhot for example. Yet what would make a real killer app for you?