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SvennoJ said:
WebMasterFlex said:

Thank you and I think Doom VFR will work with the DS4.

Yes, and Skyrim, RE7, GT Sport naturally. Farpoint is far better with the aim controller than DS4 though, but you can play it with DS4. It just feels weird to have a gun sticking out the controller. In RE7 the gun is in the characters hand and aims where you look, in Farpoint the DS4 is used as a motion controller to aim the gun. RE7's method feels more natural.

Control schemes are still very experimental as well. I just discoved 10 minutes ago that the solus project does support smooth rotation with the DS4. However you can't move with it, while with move you can only rotate stepwise. Since the right move controller holds the PDA (basically the hud with important info) I now put it beside me on the couch so I can see it in game, use the DS4 in my right hand for rotation, jump, duck etc. Left hand has the move controller that lets you point at and manipulate things and makes you move forward by pressing the move button. Pick up PDA when needed (it's physically there where it appears in game)
Moonshot galaxy also lets you freely swap between DS4 and move, use whatever is easier for each shot. Playing games with 3 controllers, why not :)
