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Forums - Sales Discussion - When Will The Switch Outsell the Xbox One?



Never 147 21.68%
1st half 2018 31 4.57%
2nd half 2018 58 8.55%
1st half 2019 90 13.27%
2nd half 2019 140 20.65%
1st half 2020 64 9.44%
2nd half 2020 70 10.32%
1st half 2021 18 2.65%
2nd half 2021 21 3.10%
2022 and beyond 39 5.75%

40m lifetime is max so it won`t will surpass the Xone

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Jranation said:
jason1637 said:

Wii U outsold the XBO ?

Nope! And thats the point xD 

But that leads to the question of what could be deemed as quicker? Anything less than an infinite number of days would count as quicker.

When Nintendo can keep up with the demand xD

My guess is sometime 2019, probably 2nd half.

Jigsawx1 said:
40m lifetime is max so it won`t will surpass the Xone

You dont think the Switch will sell more than 40M ? What makes you think that?

I mean it's a possibility... but everything points towards a success as of right now and with confirmed upcoming games I dont think it's gonna slow down any time soon.

Mbolibombo said:
Jigsawx1 said:
40m lifetime is max so it won`t will surpass the Xone

You dont think the Switch will sell more than 40M ? What makes you think that?

I mean it's a possibility... but everything points towards a success as of right now and with confirmed upcoming games I dont think it's gonna slow down any time soon.

it was based on nothing but wishful thinking

Around the Network

I'd say early 2019. Depending on supply this could become late 2019 or if Nintendo can ramp production up significantly even already late 2018

Jigsawx1 said:
40m lifetime is max so it won`t will surpass the Xone

It's all ready sold 10% of that in just 3 months...

Idk. Depends right?

I'm going for 15 million a year for Switch. Pokemon will be the definitive factor in this. Pu..probably 2nd 2019  but anything could happen though, kinda far-fetched eh? Anyways, the Switch outselling the Xbox One seems inevitable as weekly sales are much worse retrospectively for the Xbox One. The sales have always been stagnant and not groundbreaking, so maintenance is all the Switch needs. Otherwise, it could simply not outsell the Xbox One at all. But even stock issues beg to differ...


Bandorr said:
Surprised at the amount of "nevers".

The XB1 went from competing against ps4, to competing against ps4, switch, AND themselves on the PC. So if this is literally about xb1s being sold - then I easily see the switch beating that.

I don't see the switch being a 100 million seller, but I think it can easily do 60-80. While I think xb1 will be stuck around 50 give or take.

Eventually Nintendo will fix their stock issues. So I'd say 2020 at the latest.

For some reason seems they don't reply here.

The poll should have only 3 options. Never, before 2020 or after 2020...