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Forums - General Discussion - Game Of Thrones Season 7 FINAL episode POLL up



10 83 35.78%
9 61 26.29%
8 38 16.38%
7 23 9.91%
6 10 4.31%
5 4 1.72%
4 1 0.43%
3 1 0.43%
2 1 0.43%
1 10 4.31%
morenoingrato said:
The episode was a 9/10.
The battle sequence was breathtaking. Even though I'm all team Cersei, the way the flames accompanied the battle was magnificent.

The other scenes were also largely entertaining, especially Winterfell with Arya.
I do have to say though, Bran is a piece of shit. Meera should have slapped the hell out of that entitled God complex dipshit.

I have to disagree with you on Bran. 

I hated him and couldn't understand why he was this cold until this episode, the explanation he provided shifted my perspective completely, one of the best moments of the entire show. 

Just like losing memories change the personality of people with dementia or alzheimer's to the point in which we can't recognize them anymore, adding memories has a similar effect. After all, what are we but the sum of our memories? Apply the same concept to Bran's condition and you will understand what happened to him.

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LurkerJ said:
morenoingrato said:
The episode was a 9/10.
The battle sequence was breathtaking. Even though I'm all team Cersei, the way the flames accompanied the battle was magnificent.

The other scenes were also largely entertaining, especially Winterfell with Arya.
I do have to say though, Bran is a piece of shit. Meera should have slapped the hell out of that entitled God complex dipshit.

I have to disagree with you on Bran. 

I hated him and couldn't understand why he was this cold until this episode, the explanation he provided shifted my perspective completely, one of the best moments of the entire show. 

Just like losing memories change the personality of people with dementia or alzheimer's to the point in which we can't recognize them anymore, adding memories has a similar effect. After all, what are we but the sum of our memories? Apply the same concept to Bran's condition and you will understand what happened to him.

I see where you're coming from, especially after reading more impressions on Bran's character.

Yet, maybe he no longer feels emotional attachment to the same characters the way he did before, but you would think he would show something other than complete dismissal and disregard for people that sacrificed everything for him.

Is that the way the previous Three Eyed Raven saw the children of the forest? As mere pawns or insects in his grand quest? Does the wisdom he acquired strip him the memories of how he got there?

Regardless, Meera was brilliant in that scene. I hope it is not the last we see of her in the series.

new rating poll for recent episode UP.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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By far the best episode this season. I have a feeling those spears are poisoned.

morenoingrato said:
The episode was a 9/10.
The battle sequence was breathtaking. Even though I'm all team Cersei, the way the flames accompanied the battle was magnificent.

The other scenes were also largely entertaining, especially Winterfell with Arya.
I do have to say though, Bran is a piece of shit. Meera should have slapped the hell out of that entitled God complex dipshit.

Interesting, I don't hear of too many that are on Cersei's side. I'm beginning to come around in some ways, and I was starting to think I was weird in doing so lol. 

Overall I still root for Dany, especially now that she's somewhat partnered up with Jon Snow (my absolute favorite character since the beginning), but the lines are becoming more blurred for me in many ways in terms of my favoritism. While I once loved Dany and hated Cersei/Jamie, and the Lanisters, I'm beginning to like Jamie more since he's been somewhat humbled losing his hand and gotten a little more depth it seems. And of course, how can you root against a badass like Bronn? I still hate Cersei overall, but it was cool to see her get rid of those damn sand snakes, who annoy the hell out of me. On the flip side, Dany is looking more tyrannical and seems to have less humanity the more power she gets. She seems to be becoming her father.

In both the battle with Euron and this epic dragon battle, I was actually mainly on Cersei's side, which I find strange since at the end of the day I still want Dany to take the throne from Cersei. I think for me it's mainly because I tend to root for the underdog, and now the Lanister army and their Westeros allies seem to be in that position, in a sort of role reversal from the earlier seasons where they were the dominant force in Westeros. I guess it shows the quality of the writing that Martin and the showrunners (to a lesser extent) can write strong enough protagonists that you can emphaize with characters on opposing sides. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

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Well that was all over the place. The writing sure is struggling without any more books to adapt. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of cool stuff happening (Drogon was technically marvelous), but without the source material to ground it it's falling into Hollyweird tropes and feeling less like itself. I know it's fantasy and the show was never that realistic to begin with, but some irks from the episode:

- That's not how you use a smallsword, Arya! That twirly shit against a longsword of all things is nonsense! Where did you suddenly even become a master swordsman, anyway? All we ever saw from you in Braavos was training with a quarterstaff. At the very least, it is cool to see you become a fully realized badass...
- Where are your goddamn scouts, Lannisters? How does a massive horde of loud brutes take you by surprise?
- How are you not fucking dead, Bronn and Jaime? You were literally feet away from that splashy dragonfire at all times. With that cliche tackle and lack of dramatic wounding the writers will probably have you both survive the battle, but how the hell is Jaime not supposed to drown encased in steel and gold? I guess plot armor floats...


TallSilhouette said:

- How are you not fucking dead, Bronn and Jaime? You were literally feet away from that splashy dragonfire at all times. With that cliche tackle and lack of dramatic wounding the writers will probably have you both survive the battle, but how the hell is Jaime not supposed to drown encased in steel and gold? I guess plot armor floats...

As for this one, there is an upcoming scene that didn't make it to this episode that you might enjoy.







Best thus far of season 7, despite some groan scenes. This is about the best I figure we'll get from the show now as the budget and spectacle was on full display ignoring logic issues. Drogon was amazing to behold, Dany was...immature and foolish.

Enjoyed the episode, the best one this season. One thing we can be sure of now is Tyrion is still loyal to his House The Lannisters. Makes me wonder how him and Dany are going to pan out now. I've a feeling it will be Danys army that rescues him from the bottom of the river and he becomes a captive of Dany.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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Last episode was great.

Every season obviously has it's second to last episode, the big blow-out, but they also have a great one somewhere in the middle. And this was it for season 7 surely, this was the And Now His Watch Has Ended, The Lion and the Rose, The Laws of Gods and Men and The Door.