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morenoingrato said:
The episode was a 9/10.
The battle sequence was breathtaking. Even though I'm all team Cersei, the way the flames accompanied the battle was magnificent.

The other scenes were also largely entertaining, especially Winterfell with Arya.
I do have to say though, Bran is a piece of shit. Meera should have slapped the hell out of that entitled God complex dipshit.

Interesting, I don't hear of too many that are on Cersei's side. I'm beginning to come around in some ways, and I was starting to think I was weird in doing so lol. 

Overall I still root for Dany, especially now that she's somewhat partnered up with Jon Snow (my absolute favorite character since the beginning), but the lines are becoming more blurred for me in many ways in terms of my favoritism. While I once loved Dany and hated Cersei/Jamie, and the Lanisters, I'm beginning to like Jamie more since he's been somewhat humbled losing his hand and gotten a little more depth it seems. And of course, how can you root against a badass like Bronn? I still hate Cersei overall, but it was cool to see her get rid of those damn sand snakes, who annoy the hell out of me. On the flip side, Dany is looking more tyrannical and seems to have less humanity the more power she gets. She seems to be becoming her father.

In both the battle with Euron and this epic dragon battle, I was actually mainly on Cersei's side, which I find strange since at the end of the day I still want Dany to take the throne from Cersei. I think for me it's mainly because I tend to root for the underdog, and now the Lanister army and their Westeros allies seem to be in that position, in a sort of role reversal from the earlier seasons where they were the dominant force in Westeros. I guess it shows the quality of the writing that Martin and the showrunners (to a lesser extent) can write strong enough protagonists that you can emphaize with characters on opposing sides. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden