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Well that was all over the place. The writing sure is struggling without any more books to adapt. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of cool stuff happening (Drogon was technically marvelous), but without the source material to ground it it's falling into Hollyweird tropes and feeling less like itself. I know it's fantasy and the show was never that realistic to begin with, but some irks from the episode:

- That's not how you use a smallsword, Arya! That twirly shit against a longsword of all things is nonsense! Where did you suddenly even become a master swordsman, anyway? All we ever saw from you in Braavos was training with a quarterstaff. At the very least, it is cool to see you become a fully realized badass...
- Where are your goddamn scouts, Lannisters? How does a massive horde of loud brutes take you by surprise?
- How are you not fucking dead, Bronn and Jaime? You were literally feet away from that splashy dragonfire at all times. With that cliche tackle and lack of dramatic wounding the writers will probably have you both survive the battle, but how the hell is Jaime not supposed to drown encased in steel and gold? I guess plot armor floats...
