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I’m curious…What would you guys consider as being the Nintendo *Switch* game with the best OST? I’d personally lean toward saying Paper Mario TTYD (Remake) or Zelda BotW/TotK.

(i hope you guys don’t mind me asking so many questions here lol.)

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firebush03 said:

I’m curious…What would you guys consider as being the Nintendo *Switch* game with the best OST? I’d personally lean toward saying Paper Mario TTYD (Remake) or Zelda BotW/TotK.

(i hope you guys don’t mind me asking so many questions here lol.)

Mario Odyssey,  I listen to Jump up,Super Star! nearly every gym session.

firebush03 said:

I’m curious…What would you guys consider as being the Nintendo *Switch* game with the best OST? I’d personally lean toward saying Paper Mario TTYD (Remake) or Zelda BotW/TotK.

(i hope you guys don’t mind me asking so many questions here lol.)

Zelda BotW

Super Mario RPG

Super Mario Odyssey

Donkey Kong Country 2

Kirby's Super Star

Luigi's Mansion 3

Some of my favorites from Nintendo.

firebush03 said:

I’m curious…What would you guys consider as being the Nintendo *Switch* game with the best OST? I’d personally lean toward saying Paper Mario TTYD (Remake) or Zelda BotW/TotK.

(i hope you guys don’t mind me asking so many questions here lol.)

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

firebush03 said:

I’m curious…What would you guys consider as being the Nintendo *Switch* game with the best OST? I’d personally lean toward saying Paper Mario TTYD (Remake) or Zelda BotW/TotK.

(i hope you guys don’t mind me asking so many questions here lol.)

We have been blessed throughout the entire Switch lifetime with outstanding music, first party or third party alike. I could list dozens of titles with hundreds of pieces, but let me just highlight this one track in particular.

This plays when you climb up floating pieces of rubble towards the Wind Temple. Platform by Platform, always upwards. In this track, you can clearly hear different sections. It's quite a long route and the further you go, the more intense the music will become, until it reaches the most stressful and disturbing part near the end from 4:25 onwards. That was probably the best section of the entire game for me, it totally hooked me and I was genuinely scared when I finally reached the top.

And that's just one tiny example. I think video game music lovers have a lot to enjoy in the Switch library.

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KLXVER said:
firebush03 said:

I’m curious…What would you guys consider as being the Nintendo *Switch* game with the best OST? I’d personally lean toward saying Paper Mario TTYD (Remake) or Zelda BotW/TotK.

(i hope you guys don’t mind me asking so many questions here lol.)

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Helps that they brought back David Wise. ^^

KLXVER said:

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

There's one I missed mentioning - Damn, why isnt it on NSO Music!?

Unquestionably, it's Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

The Messenger also has incredible music.

BasilZero said:

Nintendo games will be discounted for MAR10 celebration for a few days around the day starting on March 9th 2025.

I'm glad I logged on and saw this upcoming sale lol. Otherwise I would've missed it completely!